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Unknown's tales
The Consequence (pt.2) (READ PART 1 BELOW FIRST!!!)

‘What do you want? Help me!’ His plea is unanswered. He now realizes that he is alone, alone other than the rhyming dreadfulness that just spoke to him and is probing his soul. What does it mean? What the hell does it mean? The questions flow through his mind accompanied with horror, but no answers follow. He tries to move but his body remains limp like a rag doll. He understands now that he is there to stay, to stay unless maybe he does what his senses seem to be forcing upon him. Respond to the riddle? Is there any other choice? Whatever has brought him here is of a power that he cannot match, a riddle had been presented and a burning in his mind is telling him that he must respond. The words are still clear in his head and he unwillingly accepts that he has 3 choices. At first his answer seems simple. If he chooses not to be shown, he gets to go to where he wants to be, which is back to his everyday life, his reality. Yet is that option too easy? Surely the dark force that imprisons him here, will not simply relinquish him if that option is chosen. It’s too easy, he thinks and searches for an alternative. The third option is briefly considered and then skipped as he has no desire to remain anywhere near the vulgar being that communicated with him.

‘I can show you, if you really want to see, but you’ll proceed to the place you’ve always meant to be’

It has to be this one, he thinks to himself. Face the terror and be rewarded with freedom. Yet his mind turns it over again and again until a terrible thought returns to him. A thought that he had chosen to forget a very long time ago. A thought that now comes flooding back after years of being contained, imprisoned in the bowls of his mind. The memory is as clear as day and colour now returns to his world as a picture appears on the disfigured glass before his weary eyes.

His father, the will his father had made out to him, his impatience in not wanting to allow nature to take its course. His fear, his anger, the murder of the man he had always loved and the choice to never accept the consequence of his actions.

It’s a trick! Suddenly it all makes sense and rapidly fear returns to him. If he chooses to see, he must face the consequence of murdering his father, which in this world could be more terrifying than this world itself. He now understands that he must either face an unknown punishment or refuse it, which would send him back to the life where he lives in denial. The life where he is trapped by his past. His conscience screams and tells him to face the truth yet his fear overcomes him and is stronger. He cries out with all he has left ‘I choose not to see! Send me where I want to be!’

Darkness instantly surrounds him.

His eyes throb to see through the blackness and slowly his future appears before him.

There’s a room, the room is small, dark, and circular in shape, with rotten wooden walls.

The voice…

‘You created this world through the madness that came
From denying the truth, and not hearing my name
For I am the Consequence of the things in your past
You trapped me forever, now I’ve trapped you at last
Your punishment was to live with the burden of truth
But you denied me again, so remain under this roof.’

Unknown "sirius" Crazy - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
The Consequence (pt.1)

There’s a room, the room is small, dark, and circular in shape, with rotten wooden walls. There is a single chair sitting frail and lonely in the mathematical centre, facing a tormented mirror. The only light comes from the cracked dome of the ceiling, which is only 4 feet from the ground. Yet the light is not light at all, just a dim orange glow from above, but not that of the sun, that of something unnatural, something disturbing. The room is deliberately claustrophobic and seems itself to be unable to breathe. The twisted hand-crafted seat still sits lonely, yet not as lonely as before, for now 6 crippled legs are confined to this space.

The man’s eyes are closed yet the mirror eagerly awaits their opening. His height is unknown, but his dark knotted hair is warmed by the heat above, the heat which comes from elsewhere and closes in with every opportunity. There is no noise other than the irregular intake of the foul air that completes the room, and completes the fate of its unknowing guest.

He stirs and attempts to open the eyes he doesn’t remember closing, and chaos fills them in an instant. His lungs fill with panic yet his body remains motionless, for it has no desire to move and discover more of this nightmare.

He sees his reflection.

He opens his mouth to speak, but the words are only a whisper and may only be in his mind. ‘Where am I?’

‘You know’ returns from seemingly all around. The voice is soft but inhumane, twisted.

His fear abandons reality at the reply that was not meant to come. ‘Who’s there?’ screams the hysterical guest, becoming desperate and frantic in his thoughts.

The resulting silence following his hopeless question is suddenly broken with words that pierce through his soul.

‘I can show you, if you really want to see, but you’ll proceed to the place you’ve always meant to be,
Choose not be shown the things you could see, but then your path leads to where you want to be,
If no choice is made you cannot be free, eternally lost, you’ll remain within me.’

The contrast between the terror of the situation and the childlike riddle that had been set chills his mind to ice. ‘Who are you?’ he cries.


Unknown "sirius" Crazy - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
After hours enduring in the blizzard, I finally come to a small cave where I rest my weary legs, my warm fur coat and my determination keeping me alive.
Unknown "sirius" Crazy - 17 years, 2 months, 2 days ago
Walking out into the bitter cold, I could barely see my paws stretching outwards onto the white fluffy snow. With my nose to the floor, I forced myself forward "I have to make it" I kept saying to myself. Determined to complete my journey, to find a mate.
Unknown "sirius" Crazy - 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago

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your dog is too fucking cute.
You have been given Some training.
Crafted by Jonesy
Kitsune "My Translator" drugged - 16 years, 3 months, 28 days ago

You have been given Sorry Boys....
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Scarlet" Feisty - 16 years, 5 months, 15 days ago
You have been given u are so sweet.
Crafted by Angel
Unknown Wild - 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
yes, I'm fine thanks, how are you?
You have been given ♥ silly faces to cheer u up .
Crafted by Unknown
CaRo ">.<" - 16 years, 6 months, 18 days ago
i'm okay, going to college soon! ^.^
right now i have the stomach flu though :(

for some reason i seem to be missing your msn... ><
Hathoresque "~Siren~" Courageous - 16 years, 6 months, 18 days ago
:O you got your hair cut!
Hathoresque "~Siren~" Courageous - 16 years, 6 months, 18 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Karls amazing store of amazement! (be amazed!!!)

Have fun!

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