/\/\/\ Barren /\/\/\
Winter. Snow... Cold. White. The trees beg to let their heavy burden of crystaline water, frozen by silence drop and hit the already fridgid ground below. Once teeming with life, this lake, surrounded by large carniforous trees, old with the stories of the first wind, and tall enough that they may see their kin acres away.
Silence. Deep deep silence. One rabbit, sometimes two would pop up, leap and leave, then back to none. Silence.
I made my home under the largest of Grey stone. The Mountain had been generous and given plenty of room to lay. In the Cold...frigid, britle snow. Being a Grizzly, and restless at that, I should be sleeping, and yet well into winter, i lay wake, hunting pathetically for rabbit, one after another, hoping for deer, but hope is only for spring.
I Remember how i got here, i remember well. all I can do is think in this silence. It happened slowly, and yet quickly, like that of youth. it seems as though we are young forever, and yet i have lost my young tender heart, and gained the hide of the elders, and the movement of a great Bear, no slowing.
When I had been with a Previous herd, I was assigned to make sure the smallest of our kin were safe from they who hunt for only food, not game. They only eat, not consider who they eat, their stories, thier mother's.
Whillst i Slept, one of our smallest, and Albino bear, yet still Grizzly, left the Cave. She wandered off, past the snow-barren land, and well into an endless feild of White. She was gone for many an hour when I awoke.
I followed her tracks, knowing that if I did not follow quickly, she may be food for they. They who hunt, only for food.
Eventually i saw what was a glimpse of her, slowly moving, but not only that, but the movement of 4 great white Polar Grizzlies. They care not of even their own kin, eating anything that moves, and in a flash of Red-on -White, she stopped moving. They clawed her, and two stayed to feast, whillest the other two headed for me.
I lost her, to the knife-like claws of a demonic few, and I ran.
Silence. Cold. Alone
Now I am her, her spirit, her longing, her confusion, her loss.
Barren, alone, silent
Unknown "LoSeR" Sexy
- 17 years, 17 days ago