We moved up, taking our assigned position at the head of the task force. The darkness was nearly palpable now, playing havoc with my imagination. 'Dammit!' I thought to myself, 'You're a frackin' Lieutenant! You've been doing this for seven years -- you've been through battles before! Get a hold of yourself!' For some reason, though, tonight it just didn't help. My headset chirped, coaxing a slight jump out of my nervous body. Donovan gave me an odd look. "Lancer two, this is lead. We need recon data -- initiate a thermal scan of the area and report back." It took me a second to find my voice. "Aff, commander." I replied, the near whisper sounding like a thundercrack in the silence that engulfed us. The Vale. We were almost there.
Unknown "Ennorath" Loving
- 17 years, 19 days ago
The sun had finally set, shrouding the world in darkness. Grun's Vale lay ahead, our task force behind. Silence blanketed the forest, pierced only occasionally by the creaks and moans of powered armour. I checked my gun for the umpteenth time -- loaded, check; safety, check. The Vale lay ahead. Intel said that there was a small unit coming through later tonight, and that our objective was to waylay and destroy it. It seemed simple. It *should* be simple. So why was I so damned jittery? Like a first-tour private, I jumped at every sound. My headset chirped. "Distance, half a click. ETA, five minutes. Units report ready... Check. Lancers, take point." We moved inexorably toward the Vale.
Unknown "Ennorath" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 19 days ago