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Unknown's tales
I'm a wolf, like my father before me, and his father before him. I always have been, always will be. My life started off pretty normal, as far as wolves go. I ran with a small pack of three other wolves. We were young, strong, idealistic, and most of all reckless. We did our share of good and of damage as we wandered our territory. We looked out for one another under the leadership of Vundas (the alpha wolf). Years went on and the pack eventually dispersed. Starting with Vundas who left for the West. After wards the remaining three of us decided it was time to find new grounds. I myself wandered North, returning only to see a wolf who was (and still is) my closest friend, Noir.
When I set up in my new home further North I was encountered by new animals. As a lone wolf, I was rather suspicious of these animals but not at all adverse to the idea of such a diverse pack. The first creature I met was a human, a shepherd actually, named Mark. He gave me guidance and showed me the ropes of the new land I found myself a part of. While I roamed with him I also acquainted myself with a fox, a coyote, a Persian house cat, and most influentially a striped Calico kitten. Over time I began to enjoy my life in this congregation of odd animals. It was interesting to me how we could all stand to be together...or rather, it amazes me now that none of us ever even thought that was a problem, though it was indeed unnatural. Over time, I became friends with each of them, which seems odd as wolves, while being uncommon in public social places, are also very much unaccustomed to befriending other animals. This may explain my sudden dive from being a reckless wolf to the pride-less, apathetic wolf I was in my third year there. Of all the friends I'd made, each of certain value and meaning to me, none of them compared to the Calico named Eien. Eien was abused by her owners and had the marks to prove her troubled past. We were friends already by the time I found this out, but there still seemed to be a powerful bond between us that I couldn't understand. I wanted her... No, I needed her to be safe, for nothing to hurt her, for her to be happy. This, it seems, is what slowly broke me out of my apathetic shell. I and the rest of the pack tried to help her escape her owners through the help of a (later to be found treasonous) toad. When this failed, she was taken away and most of the other animals lost touch with her. However, I continued to keep watch of her as well as I could. Over the last of the four years I spent there, things seemed to be getting a little bit better for Eien, or at least from what she told me. Still, I kept my watch.
I continued my existence amongst this group, however our shepherd had left that year, never to come back... meaning the one common bond we had left was gone, and our dispersal was imminent. Within this last year I met a strange creature I had not yet encountered before. A woodsman named Xaja with an odd presence to him. He fit in perfectly with our group of misfits. I found him to be quite the creature. Like me, perhaps more than me, he was strong both in body and mind. His will and spirit were incredible. Though he and I differed in many aspects of our talents, I was intrigued by him. After some time he revealed to me his theory of "Archons," beings of pure energies, light and dark, with abilities far beyond what most could ever dream. He believed that one was harbored away in him somehow, and that he couldn't release it until he had figured out a way to safely control it. Whether you believe this or not is irrelevant, however this kept us more aware of what he was and what to be weary of. As well, it strengthened the friendship between us. Finally the year had come to a close, and more importantly Eien had gotten (more or less) free. I spent the last moments of that year happily before I left the pack (as I had already told all I would, everyone else was leaving for somewhere as well, excluding Eien and the Xaja). Eien and I had kept in contact as well as we could, but nothing could compare to being with her. Her scent was intoxicating in the most peculiar of ways. I never noticed that before. We enjoyed the few months together we had and then I once again took off, for the north.

To here I traveled with Marcy....the Persian house cat I mentioned earlier... and we decided to form a group of animals similar to our old group left behind. We succeeded beyond our expectations. It had only been a year up here, to which we had met a tiger, a cabbit (I know I was surprised they existed too), two foxes, a hedgehog, a phoenix, a bear, and many others who slip my mind for the moment. We were a group of groups, which were each a group of individuals consequently. Nonetheless it worked and the very loosely built pack we had made formed true.
I occasionally returned down to the old homes I had to visit Eien and Xaja, and to visit Noir. I still do this when I can, spending a few days there to get reacquainted with everything and everyone. One day while down, I stayed with Eien while her owners were away. Once again we were happy together simply enjoying each other's company. However something was strange. Her scent had become even more incredible. Delectable in the sickest of means. Her touch was euphoric, and her voice calming. I fell asleep with her, oddly at peace, even though her owners could arrive at any time, they never did. She also had a look in her eyes I had never seen before. A begging look, pleading for something. I avoided her gaze until I left. I came down again a few weeks after that, staying with her again while her owners were away. I figured the time apart would have ended any oddities... I was mistaken. She held the same look and approached me with no fear or inhibitions. It seemed odd, granted we both knew I would never harm her... honestly, I don't think I ever could. I warned her against further behavior to which she seemed rather unhappy with, however we spoke for the rest of the night and she feel asleep huddled next to me, as she had my last visit. The next morning I felt a craving towards her I had never felt. It bothered me, and made no sense to me. As she woke and looked into my eyes I could see her at peace, completely. She looked beautiful, more so than ever before. I couldn't make sense of the strange desires I now held. Eventually I succumbed to my feelings and brushed my muzzle to hers. It was perfect in every way that it was wrong. A wolf in love with a cat could only lead to trouble. I spent the rest of that time with her, talking to her about how crazy this was, though neither of us were going to take it back, I could tell. Again I had to leave but I restlessly counted down the days to my next visit...
Now that things were real, I let down all guard and simply took her as my own. She did the same. Xaja had followed me on this trip to see her, most definitely amused and curious at the idea of a wolf and a cat falling in love. Marcy and another friend of ours as well came. They all left while the night was young and left Eien and I together... when Eien's owners returned. Their surprise towards a wolf in their home and their anger at their cat for allowing it was beyond reasoning....The tears, pain, fear, and altogether events of that night are not to be mentioned here. However, it goes without saying that I couldn't reach her for quite some time... Very troubling time.
Nowadays things are fairly well in place. I am currently indulging in a taboo beyond imagining by loving a Calico cat. I am friends with a wolf who acts more a hunting dog and a woodsman who feels an unearthly energy within him. As well, I live a 4 hour trek from these friends, and live with a group of different animals each with there own story and ways of life... From here on, We will see what happens...
Unknown "Taiki" Loyal - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago

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You were taken on a trip! You have been taken hunting for prey.
Unknown "Miette" Playful - 16 years, 1 month, 3 days ago

You have been given Wolf Treats.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Miette" Playful - 16 years, 1 month, 26 days ago

You have been given being vague.
Crafted by Ky
Unknown "Miette" Playful - 16 years, 6 months, 4 days ago

You have been given Just want to say Hi.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Miette" Playful - 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
I love you Okami!!!
You have been given dog and cat.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Eien 永遠" Perplexed - 16 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Unknown "Miette" Playful - 16 years, 7 months, 11 days ago
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