If you're middle of the road... you're gonna get run over! Unknown"Big Bad Dave"
- 17 years, 4 days ago
It's beer, beer, beer that makes you want to cheer, It's gin, gin, gin that makes you want to grin, And it's cold roast duck that makes you want..... A sandwitch! And it's back to the barroom again! Unknown"Big Bad Dave"
- 17 years, 4 days ago
It's better to climb the mountain than to have the mountain climb you. Unknown"Big Bad Dave"
- 17 years, 5 days ago
Once upon a time....No, that's not it...Twice upon a time....Closer, but still not it.....All day long....There we go! Unknown"Big Bad Dave"
- 17 years, 5 days ago
It said to turn the screw clockwise....Ok, so what happens if you don't know that clocks are wise? Unknown"Big Bad Dave"
- 17 years, 5 days ago
Hiya Dave! Thanks for stopping by to thumb my pages! I came here to rtf, but you dont have much up yet!! Come fetch me when you do, and I'll gladyly thumb ya up!!