My love was close--within touching distance and yet she had no clue -no idea that my soul, my being was devoted to her whims, her mood. Her scent in my nostrils the soft warm touch of her hand... her bewitching laughter, the smile that makes life worth living,,, and still she belongs to another......
Unknown "My Sweetstuff" Adored
- 17 years, 8 days ago
Arkaela, wisest of the Jungle wolves. was always the voice of experience and reason but held his position with ruthlessness and decisiveness. His coat was grey now and the years were taking their toll, he was just a little slower, just a little stiffer and his teeth were worn and less affective than they used to be. He knew it was only a matter of time- one of the younger wolves would make his move soon. As of yet no one in the pack dare face him out but as a wise leader Arkaela knew what was coming -just as he'd always ben one step ahead through out his long illustrious supremecy. Redwolf approached Arkaela he wasnt the strongest nor the fastest , or even the biggest but he had the reasoning to see that an allience could serve both himself and Arkaela well. In deed with Arkaela's blessing he could even inherit his crown......
Unknown "My Sweetstuff" Adored
- 17 years, 26 days ago
Hello all you lovely people:) Love me love my wolf pack! Join my herd !!
Unknown "My Sweetstuff" Adored
- 17 years, 26 days ago
As the fickle moon ghosted behind the banks of illuminated soft, cotton clouds the grey wolf raised his paw and froze. Every sinew tense and petrified , only the pulsing of his nostrills showed he was straining, every sense hightened. In the distance a haunting scream pierced the silence, then another as the barn owl replied to her mate. Arkaela's senses told him nothing more, nothing out of the ordinary, yet he was certain he'd caught the faintest hint of her scent, just a memory on the gentle warm breeze... However he could not confirm his suspicion , with a heavy heart he once more returned to his search.......
Unknown "My Sweetstuff" Adored
- 17 years, 1 month, 7 days ago
Unknown "My Sweetstuff" Adored
- 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago