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Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld | - Free online hangout and friends
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld owns this human at 1150000 points.


Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld

Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld, 38/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:02 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 11 days ago
Location: Australia

"To be one with yourself is the first step"
About me:
small for my age-young looks, born in 1986. and i'll tell you more about me when i figure that out. Anime Watching Sites ( ( ( Armin Van Buuren Trance Mix's (
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Spam-a-litious, pauls herd, Spam because its fun
Herds: ANIME LOVERS, **Rave Pets**, The Rave Scene, KARLIE'S...♥, Trance/DNB Lovers, Leaders of Language Learning, dreams...♥, Melbourne Ravers
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
1150000 pts
"Cosmopolitan Cas"
1102500 pts
Paul's tales
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Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld

Just Dance To Everything That Fills

To a new feeling , those who listen and dance out the night, the feelings create the excitement to take those on board and fill in that space that moves everything that fills your mind….just dance.

written by Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld

i can only hear you if you speak to me,
i see you looking at me but you never come to me.
if you let me know that somehow you want to be with me
i will give you that chance and we will start to get to know each other.
a glance, a smile, a look, i’ll give you something that you should have took.
my heart, my guidance, my share, to make you happy will be worth my while.

written by Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld

sitting by your page, just make me look,
taking the time to get to know you
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld "me?" Lonely - 14 years, 4 months, 1 day ago
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
RIP Terabite External Hardrive. You died in my arms on 14th of Febrary and I thought I could atleast share my love for you on Valentines day. You were my one true love.....

This is the girl who is on my backround on my Laptop. AM, you make me sleep better at night -_0
the second photo is to show its my time to talk to AM :D
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld "me?" Lonely - 14 years, 9 months, 7 days ago
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
Go Around The Swamp Or Through It

There were two people who had an unbreakable realationship, so they thought.
One day they had a terrible fight, the man had to leave the house in a rush because he was fed up with her.
As he got on his horse and packed what he needed, the woman comes out in tears and says this
"If you don't return in 3 days then don't return at all".
So the man rides away in a peaceful place to get over his troubles.
the 2nd day pass's on to the third day and he comes to a final thought that his life wouldn't be complete with out his woman.
Worried that if she was true to her word that she will stay at the house for 3 days or if she had already left him, he gathered his things and got back on his horse and hurried back.
On his way back home he came to a stop because there was a swamp and wondered to himself either to go around it or through it.
A boy walked by and the man asked him a question
"Does the swamp have a hard bottom?"
and the boy responded
"yes it does".
So the man guided his horse into the swamp and found that he was sinking and the man says to the boy
"i thought you said this swamp had a hard bottom?"
and the boy said
"it does, your just not there yet".

I did not come up with this story but i love it to bits.
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld "me?" Lonely - 16 years, 6 months, 13 days ago
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
Cassandra's Tale Space (my sweet pet) to see what i get upto on my Holiday away in Boracay
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld "me?" Lonely - 16 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld


Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld "me?" Lonely - 16 years, 7 months, 20 days ago
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Karlie M

Be Happy :P You have been given Be Happy :P.
Crafted by Paul David Joseph Weissenfeld
Karlie M "BB whoaaa" Lonely - 13 years, 5 months, 25 days ago
Karlie M
i miss doing this

i know i have greeted you already buttttt

happy birthday oldie hahahah
Karlie M "BB whoaaa" Lonely - 13 years, 5 months, 25 days ago

You have been manicured.
ChangeUrName - 13 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
still in ur tales
hey i miss you
BlooBlue "dArk bLoo" damaged. - 13 years, 7 months, 15 days ago

Filling your page with hearts You have been given Filling your page with hearts.
Crafted by ChangeUrName
ChangeUrName - 13 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Karlie M
gimme gimmeeeee lol happy weekend!
^__^ You have been given ^__^.
Crafted by K-V
Karlie M "BB whoaaa" Lonely - 13 years, 8 months, 13 days ago
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Pauls Shop

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