"even sweeter :)"look forward "thanks Saw
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago
The y say our children are our future
for when they get older
they will lead the way
It is to bad they can not remain
innocent and open as when they are at play
The world is not a healthy place
Life and work has us moving at a rapid pace
When we are tired or had a bad day at work
It is the child who usually pays
All they want is love and time
With their parent who is just to tired today
Taught to hold their feelings in
afraid of ruining your day
acting out and getting in
trouble becomes the way
If one can not have positive attention
then negative will do for today
Break the cycle and enjoy the day
Take a time out before you get home
Teach your child love and tenderness
each and everyday
Do your part making our future
better just for today