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Cindy Hsu | - Free online hangout and friends
John owns this human at 90 points.

Cindy Hsu
Cindy Hsu

Cindy Hsu
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Comedy Central, Thumb Maniac
Herds: my pets, LEGEND------------------DARY!!!!, Thumby thumb
Cindy's tales
Cindy Hsu
It's been awhile since Ive gotten up a tale. So...heres one for those who actually do read my tales. If not...dont matter...just need somewhere to express some feelings.

For those who know...Ive been working for my close friend since June '08. Went to work for her cus she was stressed out about her mother n law nagging about not having a kid after being married for 3-5 years. So, thought she might be too stressed out from work. So, I did wat a friend should do. So...good thing me helping her...she is now looking forward to having a kid sometime around summer '09.

To be honest...Ive worked at different sorta fields. Dont mind the hard work n stuff, cus its all about the learning. Thinking back think the most tiring one was the car beauty shop...waxing stuff. It burned me out physically, but over all it was nice to learn how to do the pro waxing job. First time in my life...think Ive hit the job which is the most stressful of em places. I havent been really sleeping well since Ive started working for my friend. I dont mind the hard work...just...rawr...stress. Anyways, recently...stress is really getting to me that I havent really been eatting for 3 days n counting. Im to the point which I feel like I cant breathe anymore. Starting to lean toward the edge of thinking wats the point of living n is there more than wat meets the eye. Maybe Im just too stressed out that its effecting my emotions n stuff.

Cindy Hsu Naughty - 16 years, 12 days ago
Cindy Hsu
Something dat happend at work...which resulted n thinking about this question which has popped up more then once...

Was wondering why "us" humans treat the ones we hold close to our hearts the meanest n its much simplier to be nicer to pple whom we barely know at all?? Is it cus the ones we hold matter the kinda shit we put on them...we know deep down they would accept us n not judge us?? Wats the whole deal with this?? Someone please spinkle ur wisdom my way.....
Cindy Hsu Naughty - 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
Cindy Hsu
Like to take some time to "Thank" those whom shopped at my shop. I'm currently extremely dont get to thank everyone personally as I like to. So...this tales goes out to those whom support me n my shop. Again thanks bundles for shopping n stopping by. Much love n respect to you all.
Cindy Hsu Naughty - 16 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
Cindy Hsu
Kuma checking himself out in the mirror.

Cindy Hsu Naughty - 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
Cindy Hsu
My silly dog, Kuma, does a head dunk & stands on his hind leg while drinking milk from a milk carton.

Cindy Hsu Naughty - 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago

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Phillip Nguyen
I.......miss you......=(
Phillip Nguyen " Phillip v^^v " Loyal - 15 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
Phillip Nguyen
Cute pic buddy. why so sad tho....
Phillip Nguyen " Phillip v^^v " Loyal - 15 years, 9 months, 17 days ago
Phillip Nguyen

Gigantic Love Fortune Cookie You have been given Gigantic Love Fortune Cookie.
Crafted by Cindy Hsu
Phillip Nguyen " Phillip v^^v " Loyal - 15 years, 9 months, 17 days ago
Phillip Nguyen
how r u? sleep tight...
Phillip Nguyen " Phillip v^^v " Loyal - 15 years, 9 months, 17 days ago
Phillip Nguyen
ill always be here do takecare
Get Well Wishes You have been given Get Well Wishes.
Crafted by Unknown
Phillip Nguyen " Phillip v^^v " Loyal - 15 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
Vestan Pance

tea You have been given tea.
Crafted by Wing
Vestan Pance "The Mad Hatter " Curious - 15 years, 9 months, 18 days ago
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Cindy's shop
Cindy's Shop

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