1st, thx those thumbed my tales even he/ she had reli read them or not~~ of course, I like ppl read through my tale b4 they choose to thumber or not to do so (actuali this statement is logicali incorrect, those who just "click click click" won't c this)~~
2nd, someone reported that the tale is a bit long~~ I veri feel apologetic about this but......
ok~~ here's another one called~~
"we loved"
Listless life, maybe I presently get used to subsist in this way~~
Vexation is gathered, and lonesomeness is the upshot~~
My reminiscence is just like wind, clutter and losing sequence~~
Every time I told myself, frailness isn’t an excuse to live with~~
Yet, I think you still don’t understand, sometime I haven’t recall you already~~
But again when I ‘m staring at you, whose the face that cannot bear to part, I still miserably suffered~~
For someone or something, we were split~~
And it doesn’t matter anymore, as long as you don’t look back on what went before~~
Once in a while when I am alone, I may bitterly think of your sweet-nature~~
Maybe now you’ve changed a lot and a lot; nevertheless, I am not the one I was already~~
Only if we valorously believe we’ve wholeheartedly loved each other, it’s already enough~~
The past, let it pass, and it’s better to be vanished in mind~~
Again, I don’t know why I collect perplexity and let them fill up my wound~~
I try, try to anesthetize myself by high jinks, turn myself to be busy in every second for killing the sorrowful heart~~
Every time I told myself, remorsefulness isn’t also an excuse to live with~~
Yet, I think you still don’t understand, no one make me forget you in my sea~~
But again when I ‘m staring at you, whose the face that cannot bear to part, I still miserably suffered~~
For someone or something, we were split~~
And it doesn’t matter anymore, as long as you don’t look back on what went before~~
Once in a while when I am alone, I may bitterly think of your sweet-nature~~
Maybe now you’ve changed a lot and a lot; nevertheless, I am not the one I was already~~
Only if we valorously believe we’ve wholeheartedly loved each other, it’s really enough~~
Unknown "reave" Evasive
- 17 years, 2 months, 11 days ago