This just in... Patrick has done a very noble thing and removed himself from the ownership of Poison for her naughty deeds and to once and for all calm the fighting for his ownership. Patrick now belongs to the people!!! Hail King Patrick the Great!
Anyway, it is time to let all our wounds heal and begin the process of getting over the nasty words that have been said. If you do not like Poison, simply block her. We all have the option to block each other. Let's do the wise thing though and just all be super nice to each other instead.
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Thanks to one and all who have so generously supported the Queen. We are currently in a holding pattern to see if Patrick will do the right thing. Patrick escaped and would most likely do so again if we were to buy him even though he's supposed to wait how long again before he can escape? So much for the rules, eh Patrick? Anyway, if within 24 hours the proper course of action hasn't been taken, we will proceed with plan B.
Because so may points were lost in Patrick's wrongful escape from the Queen, she can no longer refund all your points. Some of you I know will not want your points back. For you others who do, please get with me and I'll see what I can do to get your points back to you. Thanks again for your support.
Pamella Nelmes "Queen O Diamonds" Carefree
- 17 years, 1 day ago