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110250 pts
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Unknown's tales
Its back. Its Back. ITS BACK!!! After 8 whole bloody months of pc-dead-ness I woke up, washed my hair (good way to start a day) then I cleaned it inside out, went to the techs who fixed my power supply, bought a 22inch TFT, 400Gb HD, more fans for the inside (which light up nice and blue) a new DVD writer, then went to my best friend's place for a hacked XP skinned as Vista, and all the required programs. He even saved the stuff on my old HDs so now I have my paintings back!!! Now I just set up webcam, mic, surround sound system and installing guildwars, of course. In a couple of hours time Ophelia will be back. And she'll have no mercy. The legend lives again. *does a mega happy dance* ps - the tft was a self present for doing so well in the exams; doesn't mean I could actually afford it right now lol....
Unknown "blackrose" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
I don't have time to check all comments and reply to messages so a quick tale and then I'll tackle every friend in detail over the weekend. Please do forgive my absence but I was very busy, um, having fun. It all started off Friday night at 8:30pm where I had a work dinner - had been loathing the mere idea but it turned out to be major fun; after said dinner I went bar hopping and something really funny happened. I was tipsy, bordering very drunk when this guy walks by. He's got beautiful green eyes and waist long straight hair and he's drop dead gorgeous. So I drunkenly tug at his hair and he turns around and I discover the cutest nose EVER. *happy sigh* Anyway, I got home saturday morning just as the sun was rising. I slept the day away and then watched the Batman Dark Knight movie preview. MASSIVELY AMAZING STUFF. Sunday I went to the beach as per usual, followed by mild boozing. Monday was brilliant; we had the local annual beerfest on the island – beer, food and live bands. I got home at 3:30am and at 5am I was back at work. Now I’ve just spent 2 days asleep and tonight we’re off again…with the cute guy of course. Who had to turn out to be 19yrs old...but who gives a damn anyway...? *giggles and runs off*
Unknown "blackrose" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
Ok first things first. I KNOW that Marc has been asking questions about be. PLEASE refrain from saying ANYTHING. Its none of his buisness. Last thing he said to me was that he's sick of me; so he should keep it up and STAY sick of me becuase - believe me - ALL od the downs I used to have have just evaporated into thin air. Ever since he got kicked out of my life, I've been having a blast. Also, I've had very bad experiences with stalkers so please...just ignore him? For my sanity's sake? To answer Amanda's question; no I have not been down. When I shift my FP status to some weird seemingly depressive sentence, it probably means I'm quoting music. And...what am I up to, might you enquire? I'm going to work every day, of course. My health's FAB compared to how I've been faring these past months. I'm swimming as much as I can, and going out every other day. I hang indoors only when my muse decides to pay me a visit and I sit down and paint a little. I'm systematically drinking myself thru every wine bar and club there's on the island. I've been partying nights away, going home, having a shower and going atraight to work. Yes, crazy. To top it all MY BOYS ARE BACK. My boys are my 2 best friends who had left the island. One's back for good and the other's back for summer hols. They are 2 unbelievably handsome and charming guys. How can a girl not be ultra happy when she goes out flanked by both? :D I've also spend a great deal of money and bought myself numerous pairs of shoes, new clothes, sparklies, a whole new range of makeup...life's good. It hadn't been this good in YEARS. I'm off. Its national cinema day today so I will be re-watching Hulk, IronMan, Narnia and then watch Wanted for the 1st time. Then come home, wash and wear the goth gear for a lovely concert we're having. I'll spend sunday blissfully hungover at the beach, then, tan and all I'll be having a sushi dinner with this really nice guy who invited me to the poshiest place on the island...*ultra grin* Life's good. :D EDIT: I just realised that my most recent visitors section is solely made of "his" friends. I have blocked him, so he's sending people over to check on me. This annoys me a lot. I'm blocking the whole lot.
Unknown "blackrose" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
First I'd like to make a lost pet announcment. Anyone in Nottingham area that happens to chance across an old fluffy grey cat with unusual peachy coloured patches please leave a message or directly message Amanda becuase its her cat and it got lost. :( Secondly I'd like to thank everyone for the MULTITUDE of get well soon wishes, items, cards, posts and all the stuff that made me feel so well looked after and loved. The fever is permanently down, the stomach still aches a bit but not as much as it used to be (so yes, I can *cough* over *cough* indulge in lovely vodkas). Finally, I'm pleasantly aching all over and feel dead tired which means I had a lovely hardcore weekend. Cherry on the cake is the killer tan I got and...oh my, I have a feeling I'm soon out of here for a bottle of wine! *showers everyone in jelly beans* :) xxx
Unknown "blackrose" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 8 months, 28 days ago
Just a quick tale becuase I can't reply to all the comments I got. I had to be taken off all antibiotics becuase I was close to having my stomach perforated. I have a history of stomach ulcers so now I know what lies ahead. Certainly not fun stuff. It kinda hurts to breathe deeply and it hurts to walk becuase every step sends a sort of shock right to my stomach and it BURNS. I wish I'd get better because I'm really sad and angry at life...I mean after all that hard work I had to spend 2 weeks in bed being totally sick. Seeing that nothing can get worse now, I hope to start getting better. In 10 more days, my bro will be over and we'll fix my gaming tower...so people in the land of Guild Wars BEWARE! Ophelia will be back...very soon... :D Miss you all loads. xxx
Unknown "blackrose" Ecstatic
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago
The Blackrose Emporium
Welcome to the Blackrose Emporium. Take your time to browse around the items...you're sure to find something to your liking! Spoil your pets with delicious sweets; unique and beautiful gifts; or cute and funny ones. You can also take a look at the second page for the saucier stuff; specializing in corsetry and gothic accessories. NEW! Now also selling a variety of badges at cheap prices. Thank you for stopping by and hope you visit again! The stock is updated frequently. blackrose
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