So, we begin our Spring Break adventure in Foley, AL in my camper at the Blue Grass RV Park. (If you know it, DO NOT CAMP THERE)!!! It turns out that the entire place is full of old people! And they don't like people under the age of 50!!
On our first day out, we got to the campground (Blue Grass) around 10pm. Ok, not too bad. We dropped our stuff off and went to Walmart. Upon returning, around 1am, we unloaded and started joking around (in the camper) and just having a good time. Then, some old guy on a golf cart pulls up and starts beating on the door. He tells us that we are being too loud, so we pretty much shut up completely. Around 9:15am, he comes back and tells us we have 30 minutes to clear out! We clear out, and I try to get a refund of some of what we paid for, but they say no (apparently they have a limit on how many people you can have in YOUR camper).
We go spend a couple hours goofing off until we can find out if we get a spot at Gulf State Park. At 2pm GSP tells us we have a spot so we go claim it, then we just chill around the pic-nic table until my dad is able to get the trailer and put it in the new spot.
That night, around 11pm, one of our group starts having stomach pains. She goes to sleep and everyone keeps on, just a little quieter. After we all go to sleep, she wakes back up (around 2am) and we end up taking her to the ER (which is about 10 or 12 miles from GSP). Four of us (including her) are in the ER from about 2:45am to about 8:15am, and we learn that she has kidney stones. We all go back to the camper and kinda just pass out for a few hours from exhaustion.
From there on out everything is pretty much great. We went to the beach the next day and a few of us played in the water, even though it was a red flag day and freezing besides. (The beach was red flagged the entire time we were there.) The following day we go back to the beach and those of us who played in the water we at it again, while the others go shopping. The undertow is so much stronger, the waves bigger, and the wind colder, but we are retarded so we had a blast.
I almost drowned when a particularly large one came. I finally fought my way out to the breaking point and turned to see the next wave. It was towering about 7 feet above me, and was too close for me to do anything. So I turned back around, looked at the other 3, and pinched my nose. I was pounded by so much water! The undertow swept my feet out from under me, the wave thrust my head deeper, and I had no sense of which way was up. By the time I was able to surface I had been swept about 10 feet west of my starting point!
The rest of the days we spent out there went smoothly and with little arguing. Enen so, it was great to come back home and sleep with my own blankets and pillow.
Unknown "wild child" Sleepy
- 16 years, 11 months, 21 days ago