Bear years, lol oh my word i would never have guessed!! When did you figure that one out? I mean who would honestly have known and just... how do bear years differ from those us normal people age in??
"KidUWish YouWere"Intrigued
- 17 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
Yay sushi... I think thats where i shall be this evening, And will answer your message tomorrow apon my return. Enjoy your weekend oh and when did you turn 76?? will chat later
"KidUWish YouWere"Intrigued
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago
AHHH!!! -runs around cant see anything from being masked- I'm being forced into a ninja suit! AHHH -smacks into a tree and falls backwords- ow...
- 17 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
I decided to make like a bear and hibernate, no not really but anywho was relaxing in the sun for almost the entire time, a very enjoyable 2 weeks. Anyway i got over this so sent you a real live message so lucky lucky... Lol anyway will chat later
"KidUWish YouWere"Intrigued
- 17 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Well after a very long and almost unbearable 16 days 16 hours and a few minutes i decided i best reply, lol been away for like ever, Whould you seriously name your first born after me?? Lol i somehow doubt that would happen but anyway i am no longer chukabugga!! Lol what is this world coming too?? I mean between you and your sister.... Shocking.... First Hen-Boisen kid then chukabugga and now this!! Lol
"KidUWish YouWere"Intrigued
- 17 years, 3 months, 2 days ago