crazy old dudes on motorised scooters!!!
ok so we understand that you need these wizzy things as your getting on a fair bit, or have certain problems...or it could just be the fact that your just to fucking lazy!!
but why the hell do you feel that you have to knock us walking folk down??
i mean this dosnt give you the right to take over are sidewalks and roads!!...does it?
my feet are not speedbumps!! or any other part of my body for that matter...although would speedbumps even stop you?
oh and roundabouts are there for a reason...
an it is operated as one way... you do not have them type of rights to go which ever way you plaese!!........
i almost ran one of your herd down today!
stay the fuck on your side......and slow the fuck down!!
jeeesus you will kill me one of these days!!
Little Miss Shunshine "Cheeky" Cheeky
- 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago