Since a doberman bit my mother when she was five, she has been really terrifiead by any kind of dog. And any size. When we got Diako (a german shepherd), several years ago, she was so scared of the puppie that she barely could touch him.
One day, when Diako still lived in a big cardboard box while the men weren't at home, he reached to scape, she had to phone a neighbour in order to rescue her. And Diako was only 1 or 2 months live.
When he was older, nearly a year old, he lived free in our garden, and my mother closed at home if she was alone. One day, when we arrived high school, we foud mom patting Diako, in the garden. We all were surprised.
Here is what happened: she was cooking in the kitchen with all closed but the window. While drying it, a very heavy knife felt right in her left foot and wounded her. She started to cry loudly, but she was alone. Suddenly, Diako was in the kitchen and began licking the wound, groaning. He jumped throw the window, which was nearly one and a half meters high, a very big jump for a less-than-a-year dog.
Since that day, mom was never afraid of Diako, and no dog durst get close mom when she and Diako went for a walk. The day Diako died, I think mom was the saddest one of we four.
Unknown Serene
- 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago