Once I was a country Whale I swam so far out into the blue I never saw a boat for days. It was lovely but a bit lonely. There where other critters to be sure, whales even. I did not pod with them much. They only like hanging around in singles pods and they drank to much fermented kelp juice. After the kelp juice hsd taken its full effect they would try to sing.NOT GOOD. I have never had much of a taste for fermented kelp and I like singing my own songs. Thats how it is with us rainbow whales.
Didn't I tell you I was a rainbow whale? Silly me, we are out there but I thought I was the only one way out in the boonies like I was. Then one day I swam to this hot springs I like to soak my tale in when I get sore. Wham they where every where a whole lotta a rainbow critters not just whales like me. There where Sea Turtles,Otters, all types. I nearly popped outta my own blow hole.
My adopted pod out in the boonies said that all the rainbow whales where gone on a counta they where easy to spot. And that they had the strange habit of loving to read and would beach themselves to keep their book dry.
The beaching part is true, I have done it but high tide comes in and your home free. I fallowed alll of them back to the S.F. bay. The whole has big pods of rainbow whales
- 17 years, 2 months, 25 days ago