Sweet Aphrodite hmmmm you prompt so much and I hesitate on the venue of expression you use to respond to that prompt.
I like yr little images, reflections of yr thoughts and feelings, but images have limits - despite their limits they are so meaningful - now I know why u were so keen to get dialogues here rather than FB messaging - the WORLD CAN SEE !!! , and each intimacy is verified and exposed to everyone and his dog :) . Do you know in one sense,we must share and celebrate in our lives happiness, our sadness, our success, our passions and our loves, the latter can be so difficult on the internet to judge, to be sure of its depth of sincerity and truth - I have seen such passionate Love, open, honest and without reserve in my friends Murad and Pattra - I have been enthalled and inspired with happiness for them and this to me means that love is not emphemara - love can blossom from afar, and in that blossom strengthen and become a life passion, an eternal flame (alonia - as U use the term) , but yet for me it is elusive, for me I have already loved on the internet and the flame has been doused:) But if Love is Alonia, like the eternal flame that will burn for Romeo and Juliet even beyond the grave, then is all Love conceived the same ? - all Love will survive, even if today it is no longer felt as a passion - for what we felt in Love at the time cannot ever be taken away - is it is just dormant - are we shallow beings thus that we can put a passion on hold, disgard, turn like emphemara to the next passion, and turn like a wheel to other passions, other Loves - this for me is sooooo big a subject - alonia, the eternal flame hmmm
As a graduate in Psychology I am interested in PMA and the power of postive thougts, but more interested in the concept of stimulus in homo sapiens and the effect on alonia of the search for new stimulus, new passion, new Love !!! Is this what I mean by emphemera :) Kisses for you tonight :)
" Zachari"Trusting
- 16 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
is ur love ephemera or is aionia .. aionia in greek is mean eternal . . no one know better that ur self . . so this is a self - question non to anyone else . . because love starting to us and die to us . . no one can never make us love or hate if we don't want too . . and as Leo F. Buscaglia says . . .
" We believe that everything there is to find is out there in the light where it's easy to find , when the only answers for you are in you! If you want answers for you, the answers are inside, not outside. "
" Fantastic things happen to the way we feel, to the way we make other people feel. All this simply by using positive words. "