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Unknown's tales
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it has been a while since my last tale. judging by the diminishing thumbing, it is a pretty sure sign that the novelty of a talk too much chipmunk was starting to wear off. But i guess that happens, so as they say, tales must go on.

However, be forewarned that this one will be a random jumble of thoughts that i would like to share out.

read about a guy being arrested for pumping water into his baby kid through his bottom hole. Yes, u read it right, this something wrong father actually inserted a water hose right through the anus of his son and turned on the faucet. I wouldn't even go into what happened next, but what got to me was what he said after being arrested ' i didn't know this was the wrong way to play with my son' Dad, if you are reading this, i'm sorry i ever complained u wacked with me the cane. Now i realize u could hv done worse.

On another news, a woman who got sick of being wolf whistled decided to strip for the perpetrators just to spite them off. In the end SHE got arrested. What are the police thinking? it's the mens' fault clearly. I am totally in support of her stripping....somehow that statement didnt come out right =)

oh, another classic, in the same paper, i read a lady official claimed that the school uniform of the baju kurung type currently worned in malaysia is too sexy, deeming it too transparent and 'attracting rapists and molestors'. Obviously her statement got tons of flak and irked most other sane people, but the point is ---- how come these people dont grow up??? The baju kurung covers up about 90% of the girl's body, so that means if she got her way in future our kids would be wearing ninja suits to school?

sarcasm aside, i do wish to bring up the plight of the earthquake victims of china.
if u understand chinese, pick up any daily or read the internet or listen to the news on tv.
so, so many heart wrenching stories on how humanity still prevails in this world.

So if r still reading, please observe a minute of silence, only one second of mourning for every 1000 victim of the disaster.

... god bless them, the injured, and those who survived.
Unknown "Chipmunk" Intrigued - 16 years, 10 months, 10 days ago
i never liked starting tales with "guess what" , because i simply feel its one of those questions that is most silly to ask simply because there are a gazillion possible answers and you usually don even wait for an answer anywayz.
but somehow, for what happened today, i really have to go : GUESS WHAT?
I met a long lost college pal smack in the middle of nowhere today in KL jungle.
Consider the circumstances :

1) I was not supposed to be anywhere in KL as i am loaded with stuff to follow up in my office, which is about a good ways away.however, an insistant customer demanded i visit their KL shop today, which i did.

2) Due to being lost in KL (a common happening for a kampung klang boy like me, who is always intimidated by the big city), we actually had no time for lunch before the meeting, and hence we had to walk around a bit to look for someplace cheap to eat amongst the fancy cafes and high end eateries in that area

3) Me and a colleague was walking when me chipmunk eyes (all four of em, including the two made of glass) caught a familiar face. It was familiar enough to warrant a second glance, but somehow a 2 second flip through my 'familiar faces' database didnt call up any confirmed results. Under usual conditions, in such a hungry condition, I would have dismissed it as a 'look like a fren of mine' case and continued to hunt for food. But somehting made me take a 3rd, then a 4th, then a 5th glance. I was waiting for a
'hey, u remember me' smile, or maybe even a 'do i know u' smile, but somehow the other party could only manage a 'what are you looking at you pervert' frown.
Somehow, i managed to whatever chipmunk guts i got, and took the initiative : ARE YOU XXX? (names omitted just in case anyone's worried about any association with this psycho munk)

Ok, all that said, it turned out i did not end up with a slap on the face, but instead my bravery was rewarded with a ' you are XXX' ....( my name omitted to protect the secret identity of this munk)

A close friend i had not seen for years, a fren who has stayed in the uk, then all over europe, settled a bit in cyprus, then is now set
to get married there in a couple of months time.
She came back for a few weeks to purchase some stuff for the wedding, and she was walking alone in the middle of a hot afternoon
in crazy KL. And i bumped into her.

Sorry, i know you are probably going 'so wHAT??? what are you trying to say?? '

Actually, nothing special happened after, we did what normal people who under those circumstances would have done - went for a drink
and had a nice 'hey, u remember when....' chat.

But the main reason i'm actually writing a tale out of this, and quite a long one at that, is that i still can't get over the fact
that i actually bumped into her under such strange circumstances.

Now maybe, just maybe, there's a long lost fren who's gonna read this tale by chance, and then start to message me....

FATE. I'm your biggest fan now. Thanks.

Unknown "Chipmunk" Intrigued - 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Guess what i read in the papers today.
GOVERNMENT TO SCRAP RM 400 million suspension bridge in Putrajaya that is 90% completed due to insufficient funds to proceed. Now they need to spend a few more millions to tear down the almost completed bridge because it has been deemed an eyesore.

I didnt' get perfect scores in math, but roughly that means that RM 360 million just went down the drain, or in this case the river if you prefer. Reading news like this simply makes your blood boil. It makes you wonder the country would be much better planned and run by your 3 year old baby brother.

I'm not criticizing just for the sake of being anti-government. I am just really fed up of tax payers money being wasted, then they complain that government hv to increase oil prices, toll prices ........But then, come to think i it, i have to be a bit more understanding as a citizen as realistically, there are still plenty of areas that funds can be much better used than building bridges.

For one, they need a hundred plus million to send ONE person to outer space to make teh tarik. I mean, no one's done that before, even the mighty united states, so who are we not to say that it is money well spent? Heard rumors say the 2nd person is going up pretty soon, this time maybe they will up the challenge by getting him to make roti canai to make it a complete meal, but probably they will need to check whether they can gather another extra 50 million for that feat.

Another thing they will need to reserve funds for is probably for sending 'smart' students to get their degrees in US and UK. I mean, with plenty of these scholars defaulting their contract and only paying RM160,000 as penalty while they have spent about 4 times that amount to get their degree, our poor government has to simply bear the difference.....
Mean students....not appreciating our governments kind efforts to make them a better person to serve the country. And to think we didnt realize this for more than a decade until our faithful newspapers decided to break the news.

Gosh, and all this while we have been thinking our government has been wasting our money. Come on malaysians, let's all be a bit sensitive and quit pointing fingers at the wrong people.

As for the bridge, you think they will accept an entry into the guiness book of records for most expensive bridge NOT built?

Unknown "Chipmunk" Intrigued - 16 years, 11 months, 17 days ago
looks like i hv to eat my own words.

Lucky love charm. Yeah right.

What was thought to be her prince charming has now turned into prince CHARMING, yeap, the one in SHREK.

you make a lady get all so excited about the biggest day of her life, make her get worked up choosing the perfect wedding dress, meeting ur parents over the web....AND THEN YOU CHICKEN OUT?????????

Dora, I don't mean to sound nasty to ur love one, but I really have to say DUDE, THIS AINT RIGHT.

Worse is, he makes it sounds as if he's doing it because of HER. Because SHE might regret....haha...applause and smooth operator here....

I'm not sure what's his objective is, love at first sight and then second thoughts?
Or ulterior motives all along.....

Well, thus far, if u are one who has been following my tales, u'd notice this one's special coz i've never written one so serious-toned before. This shows how worked up i am over this, as somehow i hv self given credit for making her dreams come true, and now that its shattered, i feel the blame too...

well dora, i'm sure whatever this little chipmunk says now don matter s***, but please try ur best to take this as a blessing rather than a curse. AT LEAST he chickened out now, not after you have committed more of yourself to him.

You will find your shrek someday, so screw prince charming, and let's get on that donkey!!!!
Unknown "Chipmunk" Intrigued - 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
miracles happen, and one just did. For someone who hv semi retired from pets, it is indeed a huge surprised to log in and discover that i'm worth more than a hundred grand now.
Talk about inflation. =)

Well, if u ask me, i hv to admit i'm overpriced, but i guess so is oil and hundreds of other things so who cares. In view of the amount of investment put in to secure ownership of this crazy animal, i feel obliged to give a written assurance to whoever i ends up with finally that i will try my very best to make u not wanna return me to the shop, though somehow i hv a feeling that will be my ultimate fate one day.
After all, talkative chipmunks are only interesting for a while, after sometime they're mainly irritating noisy over-sized rats that try too hard to be funny. (hope not)
well, in the mean time, i'm still basking in the glow and vanity of being bought around a little, and by very attractive women, mind u =)
Oh, and on another happy note, one of my previous owners met her prince charming through pets about a month ago and is now getting married to him. Congratulations dora, u've been through a lot, so i hope u two have a happily ever after =)
But the main point of me bringing this up is to hint to all of u that it might be possible that this cheapmunk is actually a love charm, giving luck of love to those who owns it. =) Lina, if u end up with UR prince charming soon, i'll be forced to change my last name from chipmunk to ------CUPID. =)

Cheers people. Wishing you all the best in life and love !
Unknown "Chipmunk" Intrigued - 17 years, 4 days ago
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Alexander Graesser
random comment #316) *inflamed* You have been inflamed
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 4 months, 18 days ago
Dear chipmunk got lost? where have you been? don't you miss your pets here?
so sad...
Jaye Frisky - 16 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
haha i just realised i might never gonna get enough pts to buy u....
You have been given Bang Wall.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Frisky - 16 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
You have been given YooHooo~ i was here!.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Frisky - 16 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
You back in town yet?
You have been given Miss U Like Crazy.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Frisky - 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago
hi, long time no see! really miss you!
Jaye Frisky - 16 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
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Unknown's shop
sImPle MeSsages

You want your hi to be special.
You want the girl to know she's special.
You want the guy to know he's really cool.
You want your pet stealer to be afraid.
OR, you just want to make sure someone know's u've been thumbin.
Let me help.

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i..i..i...think. ..u..r.cute....
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i..i..i...think. ..u..r.cute....
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so u'r the pet stealer.....
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so u'r the pet stealer.....
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er....can i....add u in fb?
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er....can i....add u in fb?
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the CPA - Cutest Pet Award
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the CPA - Cutest Pet Award
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thumb's sore, but u'r worth it
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thumb's sore, but u'r worth it
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can u pet me again???
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can u pet me again???
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i will fight to keep u .....
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i will fight to keep u .....
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can u make me smile again?
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can u make me smile again?
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i' r ...slave.....
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i' r ...slave.....
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~a Love Bite~
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~a Love Bite~
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don't leave me alonE~~~
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don't leave me alonE~~~
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omg.....u petted me.......
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omg.....u petted me.......
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couldn't resist saying hi...
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couldn't resist saying hi...
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You replied! YES !!!
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