She sniffed her stuffy nose. Her eyes were stiff and dry from crying. She couldn't bring herself to get over that woman who dumper her 7 months ago. Her name was Stephanie. They had been together for 3 years and engaged for 2 years of that. Stephanie had dumped her for no reason in particular and that's what made it worse. The fact that she didn't know what she had done wrong. She can't fix it, whatever had happened.
The phone ringing startled her out of her flashback. She answered it, trying not sound like she had just been crying. "Hello?"
"Holly? It's Nancy was her best friend. Had been since high school.
"Oh. Hi Nancy." She replied trying to sound cheerful.
Nancy sighed. "You were crying over her again weren't you? Holly..."
"Nancy. I can cry over her all I want. I don't know what went wrong. She broke up with me after 3 VERY serious years." Holly stated.
"Yes that nice and all but it's been 7 bloody friggin' months! It's time you got your sorry ass over her!" She exclaimed "That's it! You're coming with me tonight to my show!"
"What are you talking about! I'm not going anywhere!" Holly said getting louder.
"You are coming to the gay bar tonight and we will drink and meet girls till Cinderella turns into a pumpkin!"
"No! No way! I'm not going!" Holly stated
"Yes! You are! If not for you then for me! Tonight is my 6 year anniversary of having a sex change and I don't want to celebrate with just me and Sarah! So you're coming tonight damn it!" Nancy said. She wouldn't take no for an answer. "I'll be over in 20 minutes to help you clean up and get ready. See you soon babe!" She hung up.
Tell me what you think and i'll type more for you then.
Unknown "snugglymuffin" Hopeless
- 16 years, 11 months, 26 days ago