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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 26250 points.


Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: BC Pets, N B B
Unknown's tales
Shamelessly stealing from Lissa again! :)

Ways to amuse yourself...

My name is.... Eve Hoffer

1. YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (first pet and current street name) Blackie Georgian
2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your Mum's side,and your favourite candy) Wilhemina JellyBelly
3. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name, first two or>> >three letters of your middle name) E-Col (heeeheee heee! I sound like a bacteria!)
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favourite colour, favourite animal) Orange Tiger
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born) Colette Neepawa
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 2 letters of mom's maiden name and first 3 letters of the town you grew up in.) Hofevdamis
7. YOUR TERRORIST NAME : (first name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards) Eve Regrebnad
8. SUPERHERO NAME: ("The", your favourite colour, favourite drink)>>The Orange Margarita
Unknown "Mine!!!" Purring - 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
I'm stealing this from Melissa, because I CAN! Mwahahahahah...

1. Are you happy? At least attempting to fake it when I'm not!!
2. Kissed someone on facebook ? heeheehee... ya...a few
3. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? just a part of growing up
4. Kissed someone without knowing their name? $20 dares and such... hell, even without the $20 it has been known to happen
5. Stayed up all night with a stranger? yup
6.Slept at an airport? yup... layovers suck.
7. Hit someone? with what? ummm... ya
8. Sang karaoke? previous favorite past time. still do upon occassion.
9.Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? almost every day.
10. Have had or would get plastic surgery? hell no!
11. Are you in love? very much so.
12. Have a tattoo? nope... and no intentions too, save for the lick and stick variety.
13. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? haha! all the time!
14. Broken a bone? only toes
15.Been injured while drunk? I owe my injured knee to alcohol consumption and the need for interpretive dance!
16.Hidden your feelings to save the feelings of others? occasionally... not often.
17. Played a prank on someone? hee hee heee... ya
18.Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? unfortunately, yes.
19. Have a crush on someone at the moment? totally!
20. Sabotaged someone else's happiness for your own? nope!
21.Been proposed to and said no? yes
22.Proposed to someone and been rejected? no
23. Cheated on someone? yes, in ways
24. Kissed a cop? not that I know of
25. Kissed a Fireman? heeheehee ya...
26. Been to court? a few times!
27. Been in the back of a paddy wagon? nope
28.Still love someone you shouldn't? never stop loving... just don`t often forgive and forget.
29. Think about the future? every day.
30.Believe in love? Not as many times as I had previously thought
31. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? I`m a righty, or spread eagle cross the middle!
32. Kissed in the rain? Yep...
33. Donated blood? yep
34. Kissed someone you didnt like? Yes, though at the time I thought I liked them.
Unknown "Mine!!!" Purring - 16 years, 8 months, 14 days ago

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Goddess of Nut
Everything is really good for me and the kids!!!! Thanks :) settle in and see you when you're ready.
You have been given Inner strength.
Crafted by Rae
Goddess of Nut Farewell my friends :) - 16 years, 3 months, 28 days ago

You have been given thanks.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown Cheeky - 16 years, 4 months, 26 days ago
Goddess of Nut
Ha ha cute pic :)
You have been given Damn Penguins.
Crafted by Aaron
Goddess of Nut Farewell my friends :) - 16 years, 5 months, 8 days ago

You have been given Goddess Pendant.
Crafted by Goddess of Nut
Unknown "Dragonfly" Petulant - 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
Squirrel boxing is by far the best new Olympic sport.
You have been given an Olympic asskicking.
Crafted by Sugar
Unknown Cheeky - 16 years, 6 months, 28 days ago

You have been given Thx 4 Shopping at Bubbas.
Crafted by Bruce
Bruce "Bubba" - 16 years, 7 months ago
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