Well theres not much to say? if you want to know something ask me. But point blank NONE of my pets are for sale!!!! ask me and I will ask that person if they wish a new owner and we can go from there :-) But if you just come and buy without asking I am a vary protective person of my family and friends,ASK before you buy my Pets Please & thank you
- 16 years, 11 months, 4 days ago
I have listened to this tune time and again it remind me that things will be all right :-) But yet still with the way the world is today, I have to wonder still? humans have come so far in such a little time period it's kinda scary when you think about it technology and since both are so far ahead of us and we keep trying to go father ahead, we don't understand the human brain but yet we are trying to make clones :-S not to mention we don't even understand the soul,but we still try? we have made such a mess of the planet that our only choice is to find another one to move to and let mother nature fix this one. but we would just move to another one and do the same totally ravage it and rape it of all it resources...computers we fear an A.I. system but yet we have buitl them long time ago and have A.I. on the internet mass learning for years now :-S But still none the less music is just a universal language that everyone one seems to understand and feel and got the meaning of and this on the message is plain and clear that some how some way one day when everyone realize we are all on this world as one race and learn to live together in peace but this song says it all and I'll stop my rambling on and on now haha Peace lates
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
haha good weekend? ME? have a good weekend... naaww not happening...This dragon is going to have a quiet long weekend.. I too broke to do anything ;-) Hope you have a better one than me sweetie!
Bongs and other stoner related things well as much as I can find make or take pics of that is :-) hope you find something you like and will try to have more then just stuff for stoner's ;-) Peace