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Unknown's tales
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Pleasant Realization

...opening her eyes she finds his form if it had never been there...she drops her hands to her sides a moment...then lifts them to her face as she falls to her knees crying quietly...a large void rests uneasily in her stomach...she quickly stands and slides her hands from her face to her chest...holding them over her heart she feels the pounding beneath her palms and the warmth rising up from within...she inhales deeply and exhales slowly in a quiet sigh of relief...without further delay, she quickly steps off to their room to pen him a brief reminder...

My Darling Blaiyne,
Your presence has long since been missed My Love. This evening I began to feel a gaping void deep within the pit of my stomach. I was afraid it was you, beginning to slip away, but as I lifted my hands to my breast and discovered that beneath it pounded a vivacious heart with my love for you coursing thru its veins, I realized you truly will always be with me. While I miss you dearly my love, I shall never again fear the loss of your love, for I shall always have it, here in my heart. Please, be safe and prompt in your return.
Forever yours in Love and Faith,
Unknown "Alysha" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
The Next Morning

...As the morning sun rises over the distant hills, its warmth begins to crawl over her body, heating her flesh beneath that black velvet gown. Her eyes open slowly. The teardrop is now just a memory. The light flooding into the room indicates that she has slept there all night. She sits up slowly, a little dizzy still, leans back in his chair, turning it straight, the sun now at her back. She looks straight ahead into a mirror hanging across the room. The frame of the chair is aglow with the light from the sun. She slowly stands, stumbling from one window to the next she closes all the shutters and draws all the curtains. Tiny beams of sunlight still force their way through the cracks as she climbs up into bed. She tucks her head down, pulling a pillow over it. Her breathing slows to a slumbering pace as her body lies unmoving, the folds of her gown all crumpled, her breasts rising and falling with each deep breath of sleep she draws. Her mind seems so much awake still as her thoughts slip from one horrible dream to another. Her body begins to writhe with the unpleasant presence of these nightmares. A cloud rolls over the tower and every drop of sunlight dissipates as she is left to her own misery, tossing and turning in this peaceless slumber...
Unknown "Alysha" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Sorcere Evening

...Standing at the door of their bedroom, Alysha eyes the empty chair at Blaiyne's desk with a hunger for his presence. Her mind is filled with the countless number of times she found him sitting in that exact spot. Without delay, she crosses the room with slow, deliberate steps. Resting her small hand at the top of the back of the chair, she can still feel the warmth of his body as he leaned back here. She closes her eyes and inhales deeply. The crisp scent of his flesh still fills her lungs. A warm, almost breath-like breeze blows across her cheek and she opens her eyes widely, turning about quickly, searching for its origin. Finding the room as empty as it was ten seconds before, she lifts her empty palms to her stomach, then slides them down, smoothing out the folds of her skirt, her eyes still peeking over her shoulders as paranoia begins to settle in her bones. A paper upon his desk rustles as the door slams shut across the room. She stands alone in her own bedroom with an uneasy pang beneath her breast. His near haunting voice fills her mind as every time he whispered her name plays through again, filling the void in her heart with a warmth, while a quivering runs down her spine. She leans over, taking hold of the arm of his chair for support. Carefully, ever watching each wall of the room, feeling as if they are closing in on her, she sits in his chair. The enormity of its size seems to swallow her petite form as she leans back. The voices? The breezes? The feeling of being watched? Where is it all coming from? Her brow begins to glisten with the tiny beads of perspiration that form across it. As every ounce of strength left in her body gives way, the chair turns a bit and she collapses to the side. A bone chilling calm rests over the room as her frail form lays over the arm of the chair. Her eyes remain open, as she can feel herself lying there, but having not the power to sit up. The last thing she sees before she passes out entirely is a tear from her cheek as it hits the leg of the chair in a tiny splash...
Unknown "Alysha" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Only the Night

.........She is startled as he comes up from behind her wrapping his massive arms around her slight waist. His large steps stand on each side of her tiny feet as they traverse from one side of the tower to the other her tiny body in his arms. Her chipper laughter fills the air as they stumble about the halls. Drawing their journey to a stop in the middle of the hall she turns to face him. Lifting her hand to his cheek her delicate fingers trace along the chiseled edge of his jawbone. Her eyes dart from his lips to his ears back to his lips then settle their gaze deep in his eyes. A longing lifts her, pushing her towards him, pressing her soft lips to his in a sweet and gentle kiss. Then as if he were never there her arms collapse to her sides. The warmth of his arms still lingers on her flesh. He had been there, hadn't he? A brisk night breeze cuts through her with the cruelty of loneliness as she turns and continues her walk to their room...unaccompanied........

.........Sitting at his desk mulling through his papers his work is drawn to a halt as she slides her hands up over his shoulders, the tips of her fingers and thumbs kneading and massaging his tired muscles. He lifts his hand to hers and pulls her around in front of him. Placing one hand on each side of her hips he lifts her to sit upon the edge of his desk. She leans in close and nuzzles his nose while looking into his eyes. Both their gazes remain deep and full of desire as he slides his hand up under the hem of her gown over her knee and along the outside of her thighs. Pushing back the folds of her gown he presses his lips to kiss her tiny knees one at a time. Inch by inch, delicate kiss by delicate kiss, he presses onward up her leg. Her soft breathing grows louder as she begins to inhale deeply and exhale slowly with each inch he passes. Then as if she had never stepped into the room his body collapses to his desk. He lifts his head searching for her. He can smell her soft fragrance in the air. He can taste her upon his lips. He knows she was here, wasn't she? He turns and begins to rustle through some papers trying to put his thoughts back in his work..........

.............Sitting in bed reading she looks over her book and watches him work. Admiring him from afar she smiles softly to herself. Her probing eyes catch his attention as he stands and begins to walk towards her. Setting her book down upon the nightstand she rises to her hands and knees and crawls towards him. They meet at the foot of the bed as she lifts her hands pushing his robe back from his body and off his shoulders. She leans in closely trailing her tongue along each cut of his well defined chest. She can feel his guttural moans vibrate through his body. A devious grin curls the edges of her lips as her nails graze over his glistening flesh. He lifts her up with a firm grasp and pulls her lips to his. Wrapping their arms tight around one another they begin to fall into the clutches of passion. Suddenly the shutters burst open with a gust of autumn air. The white lace curtains whip about wildly as brightly colored leaves rush in falling onto an empty bed and floor. There were two figures here just a moment ago. The heat of their embrace still warms this dark room. They were just here, weren't they? With a thunderous bash the window slams tightly shut and the winds cease. Whose imagination runs wilder? Is it hers? Is it his? Perhaps neither...but only the night can tell......
Unknown "Alysha" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
Upon His Exit

Upon his exit, she falls to her knees, her body trembling from her uncontrolled sobbing. She rocks back and forth holding her stomach, trying to ease the aching void she feels. Her mind reels, rolling over and over in her head she thinks of all that happened, his words play thru in her mind if not once then twenty times.

"You lack faith…in yourself…and your abilities. I cannot create that path for you. Doing so would create faith…but not in yourself. You would believe, because I do…not because you do. That is why I give up. You refuse to see…you refuse to see what's inside you. You are smarter than I am...far more capable than I ever will be! You foolishly consider me some superior being...far beyond your abilities...surpassing you in every sense. You are wrong…because I have seen what is inside you…in your heart. You stood against a wall I CREATED! I pushed you away. I wouldn't allow you inside my world…and yet you pushed. You kept fighting me…kept fighting to be in my world. You fought against eons of memories...thousands of years of darkness you fought...and I fell in love…and you still stand there...and say I am greater. When will you see how powerful you are? When will you see the things I have seen? Yes Alysha...I love you. I always have. The battle you fought with me...the battle to win my won it...even as hard as I fought…you won...because of who you are...because of who I saw. Damn you for thinking yourself inferior."

As she thinks on them, his words begin to sink in. Feeling foolish she continues to go over what he said, realizing the truth in his words...the error of her ways...and the joy she should now feel...yet sadness continues to plague her as she sits alone in their room...while he wanders the halls without her thinking to himself.

"Why does she continue to fight herself? All this time…the power of her heart...the strength of her convictions. She places me upon some pedestal and yet she doesn't realize. She doesn't look into her own heart. She doesn't see herself. I wish she would.
Then she'd know why it was so easy to fall in love with her...see just how much I do.
You’ve wronged refusing to see who you are!"

These words repeating over and over in her head she climbs to her feet and walks to his desk...sitting at it she pulls out a piece of paper then reaches up for his quilled plume and begins to write, the words fall from the pen with poise and delicacy.

*My Darling Blaiyne,
I know you say that had I known, it wouldn't have mattered, but knowing, does. This that I've accomplished was an unthinkable, and seemingly unattainable goal I had set for myself. I feel that if I have truly gained favor in your eyes, then I can do anything. I love you with every fiber of my being. Every tendril of my very existence is woven tighter by everything you say and do. The air I breathe is sweeter, just knowing it once touched your lips. The sun shines brighter upon my face, as it knows I smile for you. These things, I cannot control. However, these things have brought and kept me here, safe in your abode. I know you think that I do not know you Love, and I will be the first to admit there is so much left I have to learn still. In my defense though, you still do not know all there is to know of me. Yet, you claim that what you know is enough to make you see in me a woman worth loving. Blaiyne, what I see in you is worth loving. It is worth waking each day and breathing for. It is worth living...and even dying for. Nothing in all creation will be able to separate you from my love. Just as you said, when you left me this evening "But you are always in my heart." You will always remain in my heart. I am sorry for the way I reacted. I wish I could fully convey to you the depth of how I am feeling...I remember a night, Dear. We were in FireGarden...and you apologized to me for pushing me and shutting me out. I replied by saying that no matter how hard you tried, I would always love you. I continued saying that every little girl loves a man. She has a man in all her dreams. Some of the little girls are lucky enough to meet the man when they grow up and even fewer of them are lucky enough that the man may love them back. It went without saying Love, but that night you knew you were the man in all my dreams. When falling from a ledge of despair, yours was the hand that swept me up. When drowning in a sea of loneliness, yours was the air I breathed when brought up to the surface. When the bad men crawled from beneath my bed, it was you fending them off with your mighty sword. You were and are my hero. As a child you saved me from my fears and now, as a're forcing me to look them in the eye. I know I am capable of great things. I beg to differ with you on one thing though. I could not find it on my own. I needed you to point it out to me. I just pray Love that you see how truly sorry I am I did not respond as quickly as I am sure you had hoped. All my thoughts are with you now as you wander the halls alone...and I sit here, waiting for your return…
Yours in Love and with Faith,

Standing, she takes the letter up in her hand and goes to sit at the end of the bed, determined to still be awake when he returns...despite her efforts to refrain from sleeping though, slumber embraces her body, tipping her over at the end of the bed, her gown all amuss and her hair in her face, the letter fallen to her side as her breathing slows and steadies itself in the soft night air.
Unknown "Alysha" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
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Mister B Gone

You have been given Nuts.
Crafted by Jo Jo woz 'ere
Mister B Gone "PianoMan" hers... - 16 years, 4 months, 12 days ago
thanks for shopping ^^
Hellion "ルキキ" d(^o^)/ - 16 years, 4 months, 23 days ago
Mister B Gone

You have been given Hey Look!...It's Me!!.
Crafted by Loz
Mister B Gone "PianoMan" hers... - 16 years, 5 months, 27 days ago
Mister B Gone
LMAO...thought you would like this...

You have been given Did ya ever ?.
Crafted by Kim
Mister B Gone "PianoMan" hers... - 16 years, 6 months, 23 days ago
Mister B Gone

You have been given IM THE BOSS.
Crafted by aRi bElLa legs
Mister B Gone "PianoMan" hers... - 16 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
Mister B Gone

You have been given IT'S MINEE!!!.
Crafted by Unknown
Mister B Gone "PianoMan" hers... - 16 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
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