*pant pant pant* He ducks behind a tree, gasping for air, peaking out from behind to assess the status of his persuers, " There he is ! STOP HIM!" * he takes flight again, weaving through the forest, ducking under branches, leaping over shrubs and logs... He hears a voice inside his head " Why are you running from these weaklings, we can dispatch them all easily!" He screams " I CAN'T! I won't become a murderer!" Another voice from within, " We cannot run forever, they will eventually catch us... and when they do we will die... " *pant * pant* " I can't! I won't! " three voices in unison speak from within his mind, " You MUST!" It is your DESTINY!" I WILL NOT! he screams to himself. Taking refuge under an embankment he catches his breath, gazing over the edge of his hiding place he see's the pursuers are nowhere in sight, He falls back to his spot and heaves a sigh of relief. "Finally," He leans back against the wall, he places his hands over his eyes and wipes the dirt from his face. A man speaks, " Now you didn't think we'd given up did you?" As the cold steel comes to rest alongside his neck, " You will learn boy... you are DESTINED for greatness, and you WILL come to accept it!" He removes his hands from his face and speaks to the man, " I will NEVER become that which you want!... I'll make you KILL me first!" He lunges at the man, knocking his blade to the ground, He swings his fists furiously, but unskillfully and the man easily deflects the attacks, taking hold of the boy, the man reefs on the boys arm and throws him to the ground and then slamming his fist into the boys neck, the boy falls still. "Blasted child... He has it in him to be the greatest warrior of all time... " A woman rests her hand on the mans shoulder and speaks gently " Come now Ayrdan, must you really treat our son this way?" Ayrdan throws the boy over his shoulder, " Yes of course I must, he WILL become a warrior, and he will be unstoppable!, Why do you question me Lillia? " he asks, " Because he is our SON... and I believe that he should make his own way in life, even if he is destined for greatness, he should not be forced into something that he is unwilling to do. " She runs her fingers through the boys hair, " My darling wife, he WILL learn to accept it... it is only a matter of time... he is young, and does not yet understand his calling... our son... Alekxander, will be the greatest warrior to have ever lived, whether he knows it now, or not."
Unknown "Missing inaction" Daring
- 17 years, 1 month, 10 days ago