Things have that way of moving like a tide, in and out, high and low. Well this morning, I had a wonderful Bohemian experience, waking up, getting coffee, peanut butter and banana sandwich, playing guitar, no stress, it was great. So I am much better, and looking forward to the weekend and playing some games with friends. Be well.
Unknown "King" Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
I got to go play Toli today, for those who will ask the question, "What prey tell is Toli?" http://www.uga.edu/toli/ <-- Here is your answer. But I'm still depressed, even more so because one of our girls sprained her ankle again; it's been a horrible sprain, tears and the like. Don't know yet about this one, but she was in a considerable amount of pain. Feeling quite *eh*, not even sure I want to go back out next weekend... that's the shitty thing. Oh well, needed to ramble.
Unknown "King" Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 20 days ago
Had an awesome birthday yesterday, and the foresight to take today off to recover. =)
Unknown "King" Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Even though things haven't gone to plan, so far I'm enjoying this birthday. And plan on enjoying it all the way through to tomorrow. =)
Unknown "King" Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Today's Revelation: You know it is time to thin out your mustache when as you drink coffee, more of it ends up dripping past your lips than what goes through. This morning, I am a coffee walrus, goo goo g'joob.
Unknown "King" Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago