ahha..write so many bloggie in english..its time for me to practice my mandarin! 今早到达了办公室,发现我的东西都做完了,到了facebook 览一览,无聊的我好闷哦!阿,我到了朋友的部罗格看一下,才 发现了一个道理。爱是情为何物,为何有许多人为它而生而死? 我不敢说我是幸福的,但我也不是难过的。。许多事情不是我们 要控制,要遵守,而是为我们自己而去争取的。。朋友的不快乐 ,我可以理解是因为我也是过来人。。在一起都那么久了,说忘 记就忘记是骗人的,有那么容易就放的下吗?我的经验告诉我, 我是不可以放弃的!我和我男友在一起3 年,分开了接近4年,在这4年里,我几乎每天都是以泪洗脸。每 次都想要出去,不要把自己留在家里,以免想起不要想起的事 。每天只要经过他家,都会看下他是否在家。有时还厚着脸皮 门找人,现在想回,还觉得很愚蠢呢!我还试过特地在他面前 烟,好辛苦,毕竟我不是吸烟的kaki! 不过,皇天不负有心人,我终于等到他回来了。虽然人家说 ’ 好牛不吃回头草‘,但若缘分是你,最后一定归于你的。他几乎 都是陪着我成长,所以我可能习惯黏着他,才会和他在一起吧! 我呀,还真的满爱他的啦!嘻嘻! 许多人都问我,为什么不要去另找他人呢??有阿,但不适合, 也没有接受过谁。因我还想着他吧,哈哈!只要有恒心,铁锤磨 成针!对不对?现在我和他,哈哈!多好笑,像小孩子一样,都 离不开对方,但偶尔也会吵吵闹闹的啦,正常的啦!haha..finally finish my mandarin..gtg for lunch adi! update next time! =) love,e3lin
Unknown "imEeLin~" Cheeky
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
people in the house! aRrhhh..i'm so BORED!!! damn it the stupid BITACH is on MC again! tuesday half day.today MC..waliao, when the boss not in,every1 really takes their own sweet time man..Ms, Yap went for maternity leave,she knew that i need to follow up her work but she still direct me to do her work...waliao..somemore when she not in this week, i adi ate 2 meals of instant mee..i cant STAND anymore! the instant mee i bought into office is fully taken up..arhh..is quite annoying when keep on thinking wat to eat in lunch,u know?? everyweek i will eating the same meal..wanton mee,chicken rice,curry mee,instant mee or pork mee in a WEEK! isn't FUN BY REPEATING the same old meal every week..gosH!!! i miss asam laksa,sushi kin,tom yam and char kuey teow..although these food are available,but its DAMN FAR from my office! i need to go Puchong Jaya,LOOK for PARKING,Pay TICKET n LOOK for a seat! haihz..when i think of these,i'm so lazy to go out..sometimes,i just go to McD Drive-thru to get my lunch..but i cant do this everyweek! if not,gain to the a fatty or no money to use for SHOPPING! y? now i so damn regret to work for uncle in puchong..haihz..hard to tell the reason out!! please help me!! i need a rest! people STRESS on work, but i STRESS on Food!! WTF?? damn stupid right? sometimes, i dun understand y the BITACH is so LAZY and SLOW MOVING..she tot she is so high post than me so can direct me to do anything for her izzit? kik sam part is my qualification is higher than her!! BUT, she got experience! actually, not much,she just to the post for account exec 2 yrs ago..means,she not really smart,i dunno..sometimes i felt that she is stupid..coz i more smart..haha..maybe people,she will ask me doink questions sometimes..cant tahan of her..sweat kao kao! well..i miss those time when i was in college or while working for freelance..haihz..IF FOR ME I COULD TURN BACK TIME..i will really think of wat i wan!! no worries people! i'm ONG EE LIN!! no probs! love lots!
Unknown "imEeLin~" Cheeky
- 16 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
oopz..7/4/08..monday blues again..today went to the bank for 2 times,end up not finish banking..damn it..stupid bank who nv fix their cheque deposit machine..makes me go for 2 times also cannot finish my stuff..sweat..well..forget it,let's start some happening story..last saturday night was great,jo's burthday @ D'fortune restaurant and later on 2nd round @ poppy..waliao..damn PACK! full of people,luckily we have friends there,so we have place for us to get it..haha..hang out till' 4am..ofcoz,the burthday gurl was FULLY DRUNK! will updates the photos soon,so no worries..ok,then yesterday sunday,was another big day for my baby nephew and ofcoz may's bf Kent..nephew's full moon and Kent's 20th burthday...invited relatives came to my house for celebration baby's fullmoon..ofcoz ate a lot & drink a lot too..=)..baobei and i later on went to his house slept coz my house too many people,haha..@ night,went genting with a bunch of lepak kakis again..hang out with cold fresh air and where else? CASINO! haha..won back my money where i lost last week..=)..arhh..this morning quite dun 1 to wake up work coz too SLEEPY & TIRED! but my colleague adi went for maternity leave,so i cant really simply take leave or MC..haihz..so sad! anyway,photos coming soon! love lots!
Unknown "imEeLin~" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
3/4/2008! now 9am..early in the morning...just reach office by receiving a call saying that ms. yap giving birth now..oh no!1stly, congrats to her! but disappoint that wrong timing! without teaching me her work,how do i can handle the work her left?? oh no!! especially order enquirers and purchase order to supplier!! cham la cham la!! wat can i do?? =(
Unknown "imEeLin~" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
hie people! i'm back!! arhh..took leave yesterday coz went genting on sunday for 1 night stay..well..went for fren's burthday on saturday night @ hartamas,after that,mamak as usual got EPL! after 1st half of the Man U match,ciaoz from mamak went home for sleep..on the way back,kena 'sama' by police becoz bao bei's HID! damn it kao kao..stupid shit! forget it,slept @ bao bei's house. the next morning,went for breakfast reach genting ard 2pm,supposing wanna go theme park,but HEAVY rain..too bad! yeow not feeling well,end up sitting @ coffee bean then check in to room have a nap till 8pm..after that,wat else can v go? haha..CASINO! damn it, losing money..end up watch bao bei play..back to room @ 3am..damn tired..slept till 11am next day..after lunch went casino again for 2 hours..reach home @ 4pm..went eat sushi then slept till 9pm..haha..damn tiring..ofcoz now working in the office..i wanna take leave to sleep, any 1 can help me not to sleep?? =) love lots!
Unknown "imEeLin~" Cheeky
- 16 years, 11 months, 11 days ago