There is this little white mouse that lives in my room.
every nite it will crawl out of it's small hiding place between my bookcase and Hi-5 set and sit on my bed. Looking at me, it will start to sing a little song. After finishing its song, it will scamper back to the little small hole. This happens every night for the past few years. One day my father came home grinning. He has gotten a promotion! However he has been posted to an oversea branch. We gotta move...
That night, before the mouse gets to finish it's song, I told it that we are going to move out of this place. strucken by the news, the mouse scream in disbelife. "noooO! You are to stay! You cannot go!" Anger, sadness and loneliness overcame the small little white mouse. It ran back the small little hole.
Unknown "Kurage"
- 17 years, 16 days ago