there you go~ that's for saying i got a cute pic... haha kidding...nice pics but why are they all babies? I especially like the one with the girl sleeping on the reminds me of the time when I did that and nearly got run over by my brother's car coming out from the driveway...Nice to own you btw!
You have been fed chicken.
- 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
"Super Shane"Crazy
- 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
wow damn ^^
u lost allof of cams girl...think of it that u werent ment to own those cameras, and when u meet the camera u r ment to be with...u`ll get married, have photos of babies, and it wont get broken ^^
CS3 is almost the same with some enhancements to get it to be easier to use and some new filters...thats all i think ^^;
You have been recruited into Repo's Army... resistance is futile. Report to HQ in chat quick smart soldier!
You have been thumbed as a small token for your forced volunteering :)