All the things that Blue fairy's done is become nothing.......... all gone.... useless.....
Blue Fairy feeling so much pain, so much hurt..... all what she did is mistake.... all what she choose is wrong.....
Blue Fairy want to die.... she cant stand the pain any longer....
Blue fairy try her best, but again she failed.... and falling.... she lost her wings.... she cant fly without snowflake. But snowflake always see that Blue fairy still have wings to fly.... Snowflake tell blue fairy to fly alone, but blue fairy fall.... Blue fairy only hope that snowflake hold her hand until she have her wings back.... but snowflake dont have enough patience to wait until blue fairy gets her wings back.... snowflake angry at blue fairy.... snowflake said that blue fairy is weak and cant be independent.... ...
snowflake can only said that he will wait, he will hold blue fairy's hand and its ok if blue fairy failed, but the reality.... snowflake doesnt have that patience to hold blue fairy's hand, dont have patience when blue fairy failed to fly......................
snowflake......... is it still u there? or actually u already melt away, and there is no snowflake anymore.......Snowflake never see that blue fairy work hard to change... work hard to fly.... Snowflake only said and angry to blue fairy for all the mistake that blue fairy done in the past, Snowflake dont care for only mistake that blue fairy done now..... for only failed to fly.....
Blue fairy feeling so sad and hurt.... the pain is already too much.
Unknown "♣Rianna♣" Sparkling
- 17 years ago