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"Sleepy Head"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: Phantom of the Opera Fans, Witches/Wiccans/Pagans, Twilight Fans, Final Fantasy Lovers, Bleach Warriors, *Panthers the sexiest cats*, KINGDOM OF HEAVEN !!
Hannah's tales
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1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

This is my favorites playlist =)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

What does next year have in store for me?
Charlotte - Rosie Thomas
Comment: That's depressing. Go figure

What's my love life like?
Are You Ready To Rock? (Rhythm Battle Mix) - Miyavi
Comment: Um... crazy? I wish.

What do I think when I get up in the morning?
Borrowed Time - A Fine Frenzy
Comment: Kinda depressing. Again.

What song will I dance to at my wedding?
Not While I'm Around - Music from Sweeney Todd =)
Comment: Aww =)

What do you want as a career?
I'll Be There - foreverdown
Comment: A friend? Or something?

Favourite place?
Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg
Comment: Hmm... too bad I don't like coffee =)

What do you think of your parents?
Every Night's Another Story - The Early November
Comment: Haha. Not really =/

Your stripper name?
Come On, Come Out - A Fine Frenzy
Comment: Well... i suppose that could be looked at badly =/. If you really try.

Where would you go on a first date?
Moon River - Audrey Hepburn
Comment: Haha. Okay. River. Let's go.

Drug of choice?
Red Rover - Rosie Thomas
Comment: Childhood games? Okay.

Describe yourself:
Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy
Comment: Right... depressing. I think its a sign.

The song that best describes my school principal?
No Place Like London - Music from Sweeney Todd
Comment: Maybe the vermin of the world part =/

What is my state of mind like at the moment?
I'll Find You - foreverdown
Comment: Indeed.

How will I die?
Bicycle Tricycle - Rosie Thomas
Comment: A broken heart? Maybe?

Your favorite memory:
Conversation for Cars - foreverdown
Comment: I wish <3

Your best friend is:
Poor Thing - Music from Sweeney Todd
Comment: At the moment, I agree.

Whats your favorite thing to do:
You and Me - Rosie Thomas
Comment: To be in love? Yeah. I wish.

Best describes your brother/sister:
Gravity [Live] - Sara Bareilles
Comment: Not really =/

This song decribes your life:
The Well (demo) - A Fine Frenzy
Comment: Depressing. Again. Go figure.

This will be the song played at your funeral:
The Worst Pies in London - Music from Sweeney Todd
Comment: No thanks =)

This song best describes you:
My Friends - Music from Sweeney Todd
Comment: Sure... creepy psycho.
Hannah "Sleepy Head" Sleepy - 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago

1. I have a birth mark: False
2. I like skittles: True
3. I have plans for tomorrow: True
4. I play more than 4 sports: False
5. I love country music: False
6. I am content with my life: Eh... 1/2 and 1/2
7. I drink alcohol: False
8. I own an Ipod: True
9. I have been to a party: True
10. I like winter: False
11. I know someone who passed away from a disease: True
12. I own more than 5 pair of shoes: False


1. Gone to the mall with a whole bunch of people: Yes
2. Taken pictures of youself naked: Nope
3. Jumped off somewhere high: Yep
4. Eaten sushi: Nope
5. Cursed at an adult: Yes
6. Left the country: Yes
7. Taken legal drugs: Mmhmm
8. Cried your heart out: Yes
9. Kissed in the rain: Nope
10. Pet a pig: Maybe? Haha.
11. Shoplifted: Once on accident. Haha. I put it in my pocket so it wouldn't fall out of the cart and I forgot about it =/


1. Messaged on MSN: Good question. it's been a while since I've been on MSN.
2. Wrote on your wall: Meg
3. Time you cried: This afternoon.
4. Thing you ate: Tostitos Round chip things.
5. People you saw a movie with in theaters: Meg
6. Something you regretted: Nothing yet. Besides not being more outgoing in general.
7. Person you peed with: I dunno? I don't normally pee with other people.
8. Person you spoke to in person: My daddy.
9. Lie you told: Good question.
10. Person you gossiped about: Haha. Another good question.


1. How many days left: I dunno. I don't care.
2.Who do you buy gifts for? Like... nobody. Haha. I wish I could buy gifts for everyone... but I don't have any money what-so-ever.
3. Favorite candy cane: Peppermint.
4. Sledding or skating: Um... both =). Although I've only ice skated once, I loved it. But I had a bad experience on ice. So I lean towards snowboarding and sledding.
5. Do you drink hot chocolate: Mmhmm. Marching band <3
6. Do you own snow pants: I used to. They probably wouldn't fit me anymore.
7. Is there snow on the ground: Unfortunately.
8. Favorite memory: I have so many good memories.
9. Any family visiting this year: Nope. I don't have like... any family out here.


1. Favorite subject: Art, choir, myth. =)
2. Who do you sit beside in French? I'm not in French. Or any other language for that matter.
3. Are you friends with this person: N/A
4. What about in Science? Um... Brittany and some other girl =/ I'm bad with names.
5. Friends with him/her? I talk to them. They're more just... acquaintances.
6. Do you participate in gym: I haven't had gym for 1 and a half years =)
7. Been suspended how many times: Once internally for "forgery"... which was lying to my dad on school grounds in junior high -_-.
8. Are you usually happy with your report cards: No. Haha


1. Brittney Spears: A lost cause.
2. Tim Hortons: Whom?
3. Barney: I used to love Barney.
4. Smoking: Disgusting.
5. Theme parks: I love them =)
6. People who brag: Eh... it's alright to a certain point. Once you go past that point... then I feel like shooting your head off =)
7. Kraft dinner: Mm Mm Good =)


1. Plans: Um... school, then I have to take my brother and his girlfriend out to dinner -_-
2. Will it be better than today: No. It'll be worse.
3. Are you excited: No
4. Will you have fun: No
5. Will you get high: No
6. Who will you hang with? Sav and my brother and his girlfriend


1. What did you do: School and variety show.
2. Who did you hang out with: Sav
3. Was it fun: Sure. 10 billion times better than today. I feel so depressed today. But dont tell Sav that ;). She'll be angry at me.
4. Did you eat anything unhealthy: Of course =).

My mom


1. E
Hannah "Sleepy Head" Sleepy - 17 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
Oooo. Survey thingy!

Here's what you do. Go to google and type in your first name and then put "needs" right after it and hit enter. Then put down the first ten answers. After that try it again with "(your first name) wants" then again with "loves" At the end of each category, add a comment that covers all 10 sentences. Good luck :)

1. Hannah needs a boyfriend. (Haha. Go figure)
2. Hannah Needs Some Alone Time.
3. Hannah needs to understand the real motives before she can catch the killer. (0_o)
4. Hannah needs to apply lots of make-up so she can perform in her latest dramatic role.
5. Hannah Needs a Good Break.
6. Hannah needs to understand that a woman's greatest sex appeal is her inetlligence and her sense of humor.
7. Hannah needs HELP for Heartworm Treatment. (0_0)
8. Hannah Needs Your Help!
9. Hannah needs prayers
10. Hannah needs a Home for the Holidays.

1. Hannah wants to give up acting.
2. Hannah wants to be a “Star” (Conflicting emotions?)
3. Hannah wants to fly kites with you.
4. Hannah Wants Out
5. Hannah.Wants.Him
6. Hannah Wants Children
7. Hannah wants to adopt and talk more about "GREEN" (Daryl Hannah wants a lot... haha)
8. Hannah wants to be new Billie (S Club 7 Hannah this time. Haha)
9. HannaH [[wants to believe in fairy tales]] (Actaully... I do believe in faerie tales)
10. Hannah wants to be your Worst Canadian (LOL!)

1. Hannah Loves Playing in the Park (I do!)
2. Hannah loves life (True dat! Haha)
3. hannah(loves kelsie) (I don't know a kelsie... haha)
4. Hannah Loves Threadless (Kill Hannah this time. Good band. Haha)
5. Hannah loves Foo Fighters
6. Hannah loves Snicker Doodle
7. Hannah loves to run! (Not really. Haha)
8. Hannah Loves Summer Camp.
9. hannah loves me!
10. Hannah Loves Horses

Haha. Some are fairly accurate. Go figure. <333
Hannah "Sleepy Head" Sleepy - 17 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
Oh my goodness. It's Yule! Haha. Annyyywwwaaayyysss, so my uncle got all the gifts. He's my mom's brother and has Down's Syndrome, so he's lived with us all my life. He got 6 DVDs (Cars, Ratatoulli, Transformers, Ice Age, High School Musical one and two), a power rangers thing (its his obsession), 4 shirts, and the most expensive boots my other uncle could find. Haha. I got a shirt and skirt from Ralph Lauren <3. They're cute. My brother got nothing since we already gave him his present. That would be an iMac. Haha. He got that over the summer. My mommy got a cashmere wrap that she had no idea about. I e-mailed it to my dad after my mom wishfully said she wanted one and he bought it for her. They're such a cute old couple. Haha. And my dad got a shirt he picked out and a shirt that I picked out. It was pretty sweet. Haha. So that's my tale for the day <333
Hannah "Sleepy Head" Sleepy - 17 years, 2 months, 25 days ago
One of my favorite songs: "Learning When to Jump" - foreverdown

Well look at all these scars on my knees
From going up and coming down
Each scar's got a different story
In a language of cuts and scrapes
Only I can understand

Cause you gotta learn to jump knowing good well that you may fall
And on the first day that you fly it's gonna be the best day of your life
So why don't you try to fly knowing good well that you may fall
Well in or out of love with me

Well look at all those scars that you missed
From trying hard not to take a chance
You can't keep asking yourself what if
Oh your quest for perfection
Oh you'll never really live

Cause you gotta learn to jump knowing good well that you may fall
And on the first day that you fly it's gonna be the best day of your life
So why don't you try to fly knowing good well that you may fall
Well in or out of love with me
And today just might be the best day of your life
And today you might fall in love with me
Well in or out of love with me

<333333 foreverdown and Casey Britt
Hannah "Sleepy Head" Sleepy - 17 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
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Hello Hannah!
Gorgoroth - 15 years, 5 months, 15 days ago

Just passing by^^ You have been given Just passing by^^.
Crafted by Pinkie
Rohit "My boy" Peaceful - 15 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
lol, for you... :))
You have been given in bed.
Crafted by savmen
savmen "savmen" Blue&Rebel - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Overcover Agent
Overcover Agent "deez3" Naughty - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago

You have been given hearts.
Crafted by savmen
savmen "savmen" Blue&Rebel - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
You have been given Words.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "ღCookie Mash" Serene - 16 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
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