March- so far my car im finally getting that fixed... weee... hopefully not going to cost too much to fix... it wasnt accelerating properly bleh... first i thought it was the fuel filter since it was diesel, sitting for over a month and bloody cold... but then i checked under the hood n boom one of the hose were undone and the clamp thingy broke ... booo... Unknown"Darkness"Playful
- 17 years, 2 days ago
FEB- Well I left boot whereas i did get hurt but that wasnt enough... I left due to fam issues at home... and decided it was best to help out and come home... but it was a damn long 16hr bus ride with 3hr delay on highway cuz of weather.. grr... Unknown"Darkness"Playful
- 17 years, 2 days ago
JANUARY - well i joined the army... hehe left Jan 14th for was actually enjoyable :) I kinda miss it to be honest... i may go back :) Unknown"Darkness"Playful
- 17 years, 2 days ago
Hmmm so my first tale... lol... well lets start with DECEMBER... My ex and i broke up a few days after xmas.. go figure... i assume she just stayed with me to get a gift... lol then ditched afterwards.. kinda mean but hey... Unknown"Darkness"Playful
- 17 years, 2 days ago