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Unknown's tales
My mate dave is a milk man and about 10 years ago he went on a tour bus trip of america to see all the sights That America had to offer. He had always wanted to do this and bought into the whole thing was there for ages and saw everything. He said the tour guide was amazing and new all the places to go. They saw everything from the statue of liberty to the golden gate bridge. Th only thingthat vexed hi a little was one excusion on the way back from the grand canyon. The tourguide stopped the bus and said that he had heard that in a local indian resurvation there could be found a indian man with an amazing memory. This indian could remember everything in his life time, you could ask him anthing and like a human computer he would tell you exactly what happened. Dave wasnt d enjoyed everthing so far so decided to take a look. The bus turned off the highway and bumped along a long dust road eventually he saw the wigwams and the smoke from the camp fires rising into the blue skies. the Buss stopped and the tour guide said "OK every one get off the buss and form a cue to ask the indian a question". Dave couldnt think of a question so he waited to join the very end of the cue in the hope he would think of something. When it came to his turn the indian stood proudly infront of him with arms folded and a fethered headress. Dave decided to ask him the first thing tha entered his mind, no matter how silly. "Erh erhm what.... what did you have for breakfast...........erh .......on this day twenty years ago!" Dave instantly felt stupid but didnt know what else to say. The indian was totally expressionless but simply said "Eggs". Dave thought this wa all a bit of an embarassing anticlimax but said thank you and got back on the bus and finished the rest of the tour.
Dave came home very happy with his trip but the memory indian stayed in his mind for years. just recently 10 years infact to the day from the last trip Dave decided to go on the same trip again because he had enjoyed it so much. He went with the same tour company and they he even had the same tour guide. Dave was pleased as punch to have such luck but this time knowing what was coming he had done his home work and researched all the places and culture to get the most out of the tour. When on the way back from the grand canyon the tour guide anounced a detour to see a memory indian Dave was really excited this time as he had learned all about the indians, their history and their many languages and cultures. Also dave had thought of a great question to ask the memory indian so that he would be prepared this time. Sure enough the bus pulled of the highway and bumped down the dust road till the wigwams and smoke came ito sight. The tour guide gave his instuctions to the people on the bus but this time Dave sprinted to the front of the cue to talk to the memory indian. There stood the indian proudly in his fethered head dress arms folded. Dave ran up to him put his hand up to him and said - as he had learned to from a book - "HOW!" (as this was he thought, the correct greeting to give an indian) .
The indian with no expression replied smiply,
Unknown "minx" - 16 years, 12 months ago
I am using this one as an cahnce to get thumbed so if you feel incined to do so please thumb me baby one more time.
My deepest thanks,
Tim.xx :-)
Unknown "minx" - 16 years, 12 months ago

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Claire Lamb

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Claire Lamb Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago

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Unknown "Posh brumme " Purring - 16 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Hottie Lottie
Thanx for petting me and ive thumbed your tales. Please rtf.x
You have been given nice hot bath.
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Hottie Lottie "~Miss Lotty~" Sexy - 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Hello! Have a happy easter!
You have been given Happy Easter.
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Unknown "hellcat" Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Claire Lamb
Hi babe, just off to bed!!! U come on here too late!! Back on tomorrow for a sesh ;o)
You have been given Love Flash.
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Claire Lamb Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
Thanks Tim. Will be back tomorrow to thumb pages, too late now, I need sleep! x
Unknown "Cutie" Hopeless - 16 years, 12 months ago
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