Just popped in to say Hi again and see if ya needed anythumbing :)
- 17 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
Hi there young Kel, good to finally have someone here on HP that I know. You want to be careful though, if you get to into this, that thing you call spare time will no longer exist LOL!!! If there is anything you need to know about this show just give me a shout.
Welcome to Human Pets, Come to my page and click my thumb up icons, and I will return and "thumb" you back (RTF), Please while your at my page thumb some of my friends to and post a comment so I know you have been there and I will RTF (return the favour) By the way, thumbing as its called gives you point to by stuff from the store and even buy pets of your own! ~~~~~~~
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago