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Len Haluk | - Free online hangout and friends
Tara Leigh Angel
Tara Leigh Angel owns this human at 63816 points.


Len Haluk
"a great guy"

Len Haluk, 48/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:9:51 PM
Join date:17 years, 6 months, 4 days ago
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan Canada

"Looking for adventure."
About me:
I don't know anymore. I just..I don't know.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Nerds are Sexy
Karina Lopez
Karina Lopez
"Not For Sale"
50 pts
Len's tales
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Len Haluk
I really need a hug. Some kind of human contact. Spend way too much time alone. Like days alone. Not even kidding. Last night I started laughing for no reason and kept it up for about 5 minutes. I worry that I'm beginning to lose my mind. And yet I do nothing to fix it. Strange, no?
Len Haluk "a great guy" Scared - 14 years, 4 months, 22 days ago
Len Haluk
My mom passed away last night. I'm still numb. It kinda feels like I drank some bad milk.
Len Haluk "a great guy" Scared - 15 years, 3 months, 3 days ago
Len Haluk
Man, this single life thing isn't at all fun. I'm so lonely lately, it's insane.
I'm sure it'll change sooner or later and I'll meet someone, but for now, it sucks.

Len Haluk "a great guy" Scared - 15 years, 4 months ago
Len Haluk
I grew up in this house in a now abandoned town by the name of Parkerview. Even though it's been over 26 years since I've seen it, I still miss the place. Some really good memories there including my dad teaching me how to do that trick where you put a blade of grass between your thumbs and blow and it makes a loud honking sound. One of our few bonding moments. I wish I could move back.
Len Haluk
Len Haluk "a great guy" Scared - 15 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
Len Haluk
I went out with a few friends tonight. they were either couples, or one half of. Funny thing is, I only ever feel lonely when I hang out with these particular people. The rest of the time, I don't mind being alone. I think it's cause they have good relationships(as far as I know anyways) and I have yet to have one that works. Oh well. I'm sure it'll pass by morning.
Len Haluk "a great guy" Scared - 15 years, 7 months, 22 days ago
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*Just Dropping By to Say...* You have been given *Just Dropping By to Say...*.
Crafted by GONE
Ciara "Irish Angel" - 12 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
A special hug for you You have been given A special hug for you.
Crafted by Moonlight
Evie "Evie Blue " Loyal - 12 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
Brandi Swan
thanks for bidding ... huggggs
Brandi Swan "my ex wife" Playful - 13 years, 6 days ago

Peace and comfort for you You have been given Peace and comfort for you.
Crafted by becky
Ciara "Irish Angel" - 13 years, 7 months, 24 days ago
Leaving Smiles On Your Page. You have been given Leaving Smiles On Your Page..
Crafted by consuelo garcia
Ciara "Irish Angel" - 13 years, 7 months, 25 days ago

Biiiig Smiles!! You have been given Biiiig Smiles!!.
Crafted by Kingy
Red "Dead" Mwaaaaaaah - 13 years, 12 months ago
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Len's shop
Ye Olde Item Shoppe

1 use

400 pts
Bought by 12 people
1 use

350 pts
Bought by 6 people
Ride my ass.
1 use

300 pts
Ride my ass.
Bought by 20 people
Walk down a quiet road.
1 use

200 pts
Walk down a quiet road.
Bought by 12 people
A tranquil moment
1 use

200 pts
A tranquil moment
Bought by 13 people
Gaming is a way of life.
1 use

200 pts
Gaming is a way of life.
Bought by 6 people
Beautiful Sunrise
1 use

200 pts
Beautiful Sunrise
Bought by 3 people
Ahhh! Ssss! Ahhh!
1 use

250 pts
Ahhh! Ssss! Ahhh!
Bought by 5 people
I'd buy that for a dollar!
1 use

200 pts
I'd buy that for a dollar!
Bought by 5 people
Crying cause I miss you
1 use

200 pts
Crying cause I miss you
Bought by 2 people

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