...And as darkness falls in the hallways of my heart
Creatures roam in the shadows of my soul
There they hunt,
There they pray
On memories of yesterday
As they feast on the things I no longer recall
The blackness in my mind grows tall
And as dark and dreary thoughts stalk my mind
I forget words that were spoken in kind
I forget that the sun again will shine
That light will once again be mine
I do not believe that I am not alone
All whom I cared for and loved has gone
Here I stand in the deserted alleys of my thought
And I count my friends and allays as naught
Here I weep in the chambers of my passion
Trying to muster courage, fear, hatred, aggression
Any thing!
Anything to make me feel
That the dark things in my mind are not real
That it is nothing but a very bad dream
Every time I hear a memory’s dying scream
That somewhere out there one spirit stands
With open, warm and welcoming hands
Willing to show me, to make me see
That life is worth living, if you’re living it free
But until that spirit, if it ever does, appear
I will be standing alone in my fear
Here in the vastness of my humanity
I will be standing doubting my sanity
I will wait patiently for that soul to come
And between us a mourning song will be sung
Which will not make the darkness leave this place
But make it a part of us in a cold embrace
And as darkness falls in the hallways of my heart
I’ll live with the creatures roaming in the shadows of my soul
And together we’ll hunt, together we’ll pray
On memories of yesterday…
Unknown "Dark Angelis" Hopeless
- 16 years, 9 months, 23 days ago