When you mention Predators, usually the first things that come to mind are Aliens fighting Arnold Schwarzenegger, or powerful animals that stalk the little cute ones in order to eat.
Sadly these aren't the ones I wish to discuss here- the ones this focus is on are the human kind, the ones who have powerful personalities and prey on those who a venerable, those who don't know better and those who have been so hurt that a kind word to them seems to be the best thing they have at that moment of pain.
The Romans had a term for it, they called it "Pouring Honey in Your Ear", this means that someone will say something so sweet to another, before long, you are bending to their will and being commanded by what ever they request, even if it goes against your normal moral compass.
These people have ulterior motives for befriending someone. They seem to be everything a person needs in their life at the time. They have all the right words and seem to be the best thing in ones life, knowing them seems to be the quickest and easiest way to advance your own social status and make everyone notice you, or at least want to know about you.
These people will talk to you, boost your confidence and push your boundaries just to see how far they can push you, then they push you a little more and a little more and a little more, before long, your confidence that has been built up by them- now starts to make you do things you'd never thought you'd be doing- and that's when you realize that something isn't right.
You offer resistance and their bullish personality then comes to the front and starts to challenge your boundaries, they get upset and start saying things like; "But I love you" or "You can do it for me". These are trigger statements, resistance on these then unleashes a full broadside of anger and things like; "I made you who you are" or "You'd be nothing without me" are then fired to set you back into submission.
For the first few times, re-submission may happen and one might offer; "I'm sorry, I'll do it" or "I know, I just wasn't thinking". With this, the Predator has you, you've become the meal in their mouth- but you have sacrificed your own dignity and self worth. Do they care about that? Most certainly not, because you don't mean a thing to them at all, they just want you to feel that you do.
Sadly there are a lot of Predators out there and not all of them are male- I personally have been stung by a female one that cost me very dearly many years ago, (A personal mistake that I will never live down, nor can I ever forgive myself for it, despite others forgiving me).
The core message here is to be careful out there! I know of a few predators circling, but due to legal reasons I will not name them. The most important message here is that "NO means NO"!
You can bully people all you want, pour honey into the ears of those who will listen, and when you get cast off, you can go out on massive tyraids and claim people make fake accounts to belittle you, truth is, you have no self worth, no moral value and your honey is the most foul and potent poison ever known. The sooner people like you are sent off the field with your tail between your legs, the better.
I'm not anyone special, I'm just a guy who has had a bit of life experience and knows when someone is hurt, I know I can't change who you are, but I can make everyone aware of what you do. Hopefully, just hopefully, I can spare a few from being morally bankrupted by anyone who seeks to be prey for these people who become emotional vampires.
If you have been hurt buy someone who, basically would not take no for an answer- know that you are not alone. There are people out there who can help. The local Authorities are a good start, but remember to show everything, because we can't let these people get away with this behavior.
Any form of abuse; sexual, financial, even emotional, has long lasting ramifications on you. Recognize the signs and ask yourself, is this really making me happy- if the answer is no... Then stop!
As a last resort- I am always here to help, you can contact me in a private message and I will happily help guide you on your next step. Remember, your feeling matter too!
Thank you for reading this. Ja Worsley"My Friend"Ferocious
- 2 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
The Rescue Crew.
A couple of months ago, I was driving along and noticed a poor abandoned toy bear on the road. The poor thing had been run over by traffic in the area, so I pulled over and saved him. He was a little beat up, but he was ok. I named him JB (as in Ja's Bear).
A few days later, down the other end of the same road, I got my second Rescue, this one had his name on him- Monty. He was near a bus stop and a bus was coming, I couldn't leave him there to be hurt.
The next week, I noticed another poor lost soul, this guy was on the on ramp to the motorway and it was raining, due to the traffic, I couldn't stop to save him. Finally after a week, I got my chance to save him, unlike the others, this one was a rabbit... So entered Bunbun to the Rescue Crew.
A few weeks ago, driving to work, I saw yet another lost guy. This one required me to reverse 500 meter back but there was no traffic and it was safe, so I rescued yet another bear... Enter Buddy.
All these guys have come to me at times when my depression was hitting hard, so the question was raised- Did I rescue them, or did they rescue me?
They now live in my car and travel everywhere with me, I am planning on some adventures with them and have started a Facebook page to share their trips (if anyone is interested- @rescuecrewontheroad).
All rescues get cleaned up and placed in position in the car, pics on the page. Ja Worsley"My Friend"Ferocious
- 2 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
The tale of how I almost died- don't worry, it has a positive outcome!
Allow me to give you the back story if you will... Last November I ended up in hospital with a Portal Vein Thrombosis (a blood clot in the main vein leading from the small intestine to the liver).
The pain had been building up for weeks and I was under the assumption that it was a blockage in the intestine. I had been to see a doctor, but got no answers, they sent me for a scan, but the radiology place were not co-operative and basically turned me away.
I was at work that fateful night, the pain had gotten so bad. My colleague had just left after finishing his shift and I was trying to get some air, when I just vomited blood all over the bush outside. I tried to call my boss, but he was asleep, I called the operations centre and they were trying to get someone to come in. My boss called me back and tolde to go. I ended up in hospital near my home, but they didn't have the right medical team to help me, so I was transferred to the main hospital in Sydney.
I spent a week in this hospital, saw many doctors, who all had dire news (one wanted to open me up and cut parts of my intestines out for fear of them being dead). Fortunately for me, everything turned out well and I responded very quickly to the treatment.
Skip forward to February, and I'm now undertaking all the follow up visits with the specialists. The Vascular Surgeon, a Professor in his field, is very impressed with how well I have responded. The Liver specialist looked at my notes and discharged me with the comment- "I don't know why you are here, my work is done"! (He also didn't charge me for the consoltation...bonus).
I've changed G.P.'s (General Practitioner- that's what we call our daily doctors here in Australia), this new doctor is on top pf everything and cracks the whip if the specialists don't keep their appointments with me.
My Haemotologist is great, though she is concerned as to why my blood is so thick, as my writing partner says: I'm a Vampire's thickshake. She has told me that I will be on Warfrin (blood thinners) for the rest of my life. I don't mind, been on them before... Back on 2007 when I had blood clots on the lungs, but I'd rather be on the tablets than had the alternative... Too many people need me around I have since found out!
Finally there is my Liver specialist, he gave me a fiberous scan because there was suspicion that I had liver scirocis... The results were very favourable and he beamed with joy telling me the news... I do not have liver scirocis and I am no where near having it. I do, however, have a fatty liver and that is being dealt with.
Yesterday, I went to hospital for a Gastroscopy, I was told I'd be there for at least six hours... Try two! They put a camera down my throat to check how things were going, looking at the affected veins, if needed, they would repair anything on the spot. With such a quick turnaround time, the prognosis was very favourable, I needed no surgery, my veins were all fantastic and I am actually in very good shape.
I get the official word on the fourth of August, but with all going well, I can only quote my liver specialist, "You could last another hundred years"... This is good because I plan to live another hundred years!
There is still the question of what is going on to make my blood so thick, the speculation now seems to be an internal allergic reaction happening inside the liver, but for the moment, I am still alive and doing really well.
I have some really great friends and their support going through this, has been incredible... But I have made a few new friends here since returning, so thank you to everyone for being a part of my life, each one of you helps cement my life in a positive manner.
There is that one special person here, they know who they are, You mean my whole life and without you... I would not have made it this far- thank you for always being there when I needed a shining light to guide me. Ja Worsley"My Friend"Ferocious
- 2 years, 8 months, 29 days ago
Top of my list is David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi with "Memories" Having suffered with deep depression for most of my life, this song actually makes me feel good because sometimes just letting go can help you feel better!
Ja Worsley"My Friend"Ferocious
- 2 years, 9 months ago
Number Two- Black Eyed Peas/ Shakira/ David Guetta with "Don't you Worry" This song only came out last week and has instantly hit me in the heart- it's message is what I say to my friends.
Ja Worsley"My Friend"Ferocious
- 2 years, 9 months ago