i make ppl cry, i enjoy doing it too but i always feel bad once i've done is so i have to go help them out. i laugh at disgusting things because they are funny. i make sick jokes and often do it on purpose to offend ppl. i'm offensive by nature and i love it. oh yeah, i draw and do 3d animation... if u gonna talk to me about music, it better be music with talent or else i'll just get annoyed. oh and i hate jocks!!!
About you:
i hope you like to laugh, but not too much and u should also probably be able to join in with my sick, random, sexual thought orientated way of joking around and also get to know when i'm serious too Apparently I'm fun to have around...
The desire for love is like the desire for death, We may not crave it but at times, We may wish for it more than life, or love.
What is love? What is death? Who can judge what we can't see? Unknown"Blue Storm :P"Courageous
- 16 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
I dream awake, I dream I am sleeping... I sleep awake, I wake I am dreaming... What is this madness? Why is it here? In me? I bleed awake, I bleed, I am sleeping... I dream awake, I dream of sleeping... I dream of you. Unknown"Blue Storm :P"Courageous
- 16 years, 9 months, 14 days ago
Unknown"Blue Storm :P"Courageous
- 16 years, 11 months, 6 days ago
my life... what does it mean to live? what does is mean to die? how would one really know if they are alive or dead? my questions yeild no answers nor do i actually wish for any. this place that i am, this world that we inhabit is filled with life and death and yet these questions continue... how can this be? why is it so? what makes us human enough to decide for ourselves the answers to many other questions like this? i care not for this world nor its inhabitants, living or dead, i am here, unwillingly perhaps, but i am here and does that alone not answer my questions? only time shall tell, but what is time? who governs time or more likely, why does time govern us? i exist for the sole purpose of being able to question and ask, yet it often yeilds enemies or renders friends agone... y is this so? Unknown"Blue Storm :P"Courageous
- 17 years, 2 months, 16 days ago
thank you :) but where is sense if i bid 3000 to help you, and them you give to me more of 5000? lol thanks anyweys, but i have pts much more of i need, and really dont mind to share :D