Ranjeeta Ramdhan"♥My Bunny♥ "Uncertain
- 15 years, 7 months, 9 days ago
time to sign on but no time to chat or reply will reply to messages soon computer acting up these day Ranjeeta Ramdhan"♥My Bunny♥ "Uncertain
- 15 years, 8 months, 5 days ago
I miss you.....yea you, its all about you, it has always been about you & not matter what I will always be here if not as your girl I will be your friend, if not as your friend I will be a voice, standing in silence waiting for my chance to scream....scream to the world.....screame....I LOVE YOU!!!....<3
Ranjeeta Ramdhan"♥My Bunny♥ "Uncertain
- 15 years, 8 months, 12 days ago
dancing into danger...^_^ Ranjeeta Ramdhan"♥My Bunny♥ "Uncertain
- 15 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
mad cute Ranjeeta Ramdhan"♥My Bunny♥ "Uncertain
- 15 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
its so good when you archive things cause no matter what some one do to delete their information you can still show people what was there. derek g lol another one of you alias names. derek grever, derek michael, derek michael grever i will continue to expose you and shatter you yes :-).....
"Fagtastic cunt"
- 6 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
this scum bag erased some of his information on this site after i exposed him for his lies, cheating, and deceit. because he dont want you to know the truth. he is so addicted to fucking men and women he will leave his profile up because every body wont find out about him. he does not want to get rid of this profile because there are nude people on here and slutty cunts that will not care he is a whore. this guy derek g is just look for nude pictures and cam sex. he will pay for sex. this guy derek is 33 years old. he is an electrician apprentice and he has classes about two times per week week. he does not have time in his life for a woman or kids. his wife and kids will always be a part of your life. he still fucks her cause she is an easy fuck. he will tell you he is not fucking her and thats a lie. he wont let you look into his phone. he has a password to his phone for obvious reasons so you cant see any info of him cheating. he hides things on his screen so you cant see all the slutty dating sites and porn sites he is on. yes derek i know you all too well by now. even though he fucks many people at one time he still wanks to porn. no one can satisfy his evil disgusting perversions. have fun keep lying to people derek. message all the women and shemales you want. fuck all the people you want and i hope you get aids hiv and die. you are only hurting your own body exposing yourself to all these people body fluids even kissing someone can give you aids and oral sex is just as bad have fun being a whore and i hope your lips and cock and fingers fall off. i cant be replaced keep looking for another me fucker lol. keep hating me thank you. heads up your time of lies is running out. i am releasing some court videos of you and me and more. people will see how much you dont care about cheating on your wife and how dirty you did me lol. so keep being silent behind the screen i love it. like you said to me you like to be cold hearted to me and i am enjoying seeing you suffer. seems like you are loosing a lot lol......
"Fagtastic cunt"
- 6 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
this scum bag is from park ridge new jersey usa. he is from hawthorne new jersey usa. he is from henderson nevada usa. haledon new jersey usa. and many other places in the usa. he will try to con a lot of people who are not from america. he will lie to you and say he is not married, he dont have any kids. he has many financial problems and he is broke and he dont have enough money to survive. he may have a empty house with no woman there at the time he fucks you. but ask to move in with him lol and he wont let you cause he cant get away with fucking too many people in his house with you there. or he will do what he did to his wife he wont tell you anything while you are living with him, he will just be cheating on you behind your back. so while you are thinking he loves you cause you are living with him he will be fucking men and women while your are sleeping or at work. he will also leave the house alot not just for work but for his music recording studio where he fucks men and women there while drinking heavy alcohol and heavy drug use. he has severe mental problems. and he will snap on you at any giving moment.....
"Fagtastic cunt"
- 6 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
this scum bag is married to a woman name emily alicia earl grever. he has many kids with her and he has other women pregnant and he has other kids with many different women. he does not like wearing condoms and he passes around diseases. you might get aids from derek michael grever. this is the truth. he has sex with transexuals, transvestites, transgender, bisexual and gay people. he lures people in with his bands, art work and then he will cheat on you after he have sex with you. he abandoned me and our daughter. abused us, mistreated us and neglected us and i will continue to ruin him online. i will show his wife this and show many people that know him this. he was cheating on his wife and me and other people at the same time. he has a small cock and cant last all night in bed......
"Fagtastic cunt"
- 6 years, 2 months, 12 days ago
theres a pervert. a online sexual predator on here name derek g the picture you see next to this comment is of his exact picture on this site. you posted a comment or gift on his page im guessing you are not aware that the guy is married to emily alicia earl grever and they have many kids together and he has other women pregnant from many different websites and he has many kids out here by different women. he fucks men and women and he fucks transgender, transexuals, bisexuals, gay people, prostitutes, strippers and escort shemales and females. he is a heavy drug user, a heavy alcoholic user and he has severe mental problems and he will snap on you at any given moment. he carries diseases and you may get aids or hiv from him since he do not like wearing condoms and he does not wear condoms. all he wants is to fuck anyone with a pussy or a asshole and he just want to cum in many different people make babies and then he will dump you for the next person. he will also leave you for the next person. ive commented info on his page. i will be releasing more info all over the internet to prove the cheating abusive slut that he is. he is very violent and he is physically and verbally abusive to women and kids. he is a rapist and he will be sent to jail for all that he did to me and our daughter. he will never leave his wife for you or anyone thats why he abandoned me and our daughter. he will lie to you and say hes single. say he love you which will be a lie. he loves everybody and will say he love you just to be nice so you can have sex with him. this is the truth. he disgust me and i will shame and embarass him everywhere just like he shamed me and our daughter and my kids...
"Fagtastic cunt"
- 6 years, 2 months, 12 days ago