Once upon a time there was a Baer, she was pretty happy but felt like she needed a companion so she started to sniff around. Eventually she found someone and set up cave. As will happen in those situations she found her middle getting bigger. Along with the many thoughts that came was the question of the name? "I want it to be bold but humble, stong but gentle. Loving and loyal and to feel like a walk in the quiet depths of the woods in the summer. It should also smell like wet rich soil and feel like the colour brown." At all this her husband did frown. He was a fighting man and often shook his head at his "hippy" wife. But he thought because he loved her and was afraid she'd name the baby after a tree. He came up with Wolf. "Wolf?" she said "but they are cold and mean 'the big bad wolf', 'the lone wolf', ect." He explained that was an american vilianization and the wolf was a pack animal of grace and integrity. She was so happy he wasn't going to name the child something unimaginative and over used that she consented. The cub came forth with grey eyes and hair of indescribable coloiur. He was attentive and curious, playful but also serious. It was perfect. She quickly found herself transformed from a Baer to a Wolf Mamma. Which really is the best thing to be.
The Beginning
- 17 years, 2 months, 22 days ago