I have been spread across three states by now. It's interesting the things you learn when you move twice within three years. 1: You have no clue what God wants you to do or where he wants you to go until you're there.
2: If you say "He'd never want me there," guess what... That's probably where your next stop is.
3: If you have faith you can make it rain for three days when all the reports said there would be nothing for two to three weeks.
4: Riverbed dirt has the same properties as grass when it comes to impacts
5: You can't sneak up on blind men (I've tried!! It is a lot harder than it sounds)
6: Fear is the greatest inhibitor in the world.
7: Most of the time the people you disagree with won't listen to the reason you disagree with them.
9: When you least expect it, there will be goats and a lama
10: If you try, you can hit a 1/4 inch thick cord with a 22. long round from 20 to 25 yards.
11: people aren't too impressed with #10 until you show them the cord.
12: Snake + Shotgun = Shotgun
13: Carpenter bees fly really far when you finally hit them with the 1/2 inch thick wooden rod you've been using to protect the barn.
14: there is no 14.... look it up.
Unknown "Roiyaru!!!" Loyal
- 16 years, 9 months, 6 days ago