The love of my life passed away today 5-22-08 i know people just knew that we had only been dating for 3 months 5-30-08 some didnt know but me and sinz have had some kind of a relationship for a year and a half now he was my world the minute i met him he shortly after that became someone i cared about and loved as a person then shortly after that i fell for his charm and fell in love with him we developed alot of feelings in the little time we knew eachother if people only knew........he is and will always be the love of my lfe and i will never find a love or a touch like what he gave me he made me feel like i was safe and i knew that everyday id be ok cuz he was there i loved him very much and i dont know what i am going to do with out him it gets harder everyday but he will live on in my heart and soul as well as through his close firends and family i hope everyone lets him live within us and i wish everyone the best of luck through this tragic tragic incident i hope his daughter can grow up and carry on the sinz name and just be a happy healthy girl same with jazmin his niece i love her and the family to death and i hope you guys go along your way and be happy and remember justin for all the good times i love you tara mario jazmin dean and for the family i didnt meet and the ones i didnt really meet good luck to you all..............
- 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Crystal; I am leaving this application. I have had people go out of their way to be cruel to me & I really don't want to deal with it anymore. Take care. xxx
"Sir Greg"
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
i told him that we will bring them there tomorrow or something. cuz i dont feel like leaving the house anymore.. im pretty sure im sick.