This is specially for Mocha.. who only joined my family on 2nd March 2008.. but passed away in the afternoon on 10 March 2008.
Its only merely 8 days with us.. but the pain was reallie bad too.. because Mocha is really a sweetie angel.. so sudden and unexpected.. i never know u will leave us so fast :'(
I want to share everybody how sweet and cute Mocha was when he is still alive.. I'm sorry that I didn't get him to the vet on time.. yet i'm glad that i'm able to meet Mocha such a sweet lil friend.
Mocha is only 1month+ old when I got him from the petshop... he was so small but he was courageous and always wheeking happily for me and daddy~ and for food too.
I'm regretful that I didn't take individual pictures of Mocha.. i should have take more pictures of mocha but i never expect Mocha to cross over the bridge soooo early.. he was only 1 month old.. i really wish to see Mocha grow big, wheeking at me and playing about.
But it seems that God took him away a little earlier.. it was raining the whole day.. shower of condolences for you my dearest Mocha. I know u will be happy in Paradise.. We will never forget u as such a sweet little baby..
U may be ill by the time i bought u.. may be its genetic health problem, but i never regret taking you home..
As quoted from the rainbow bridge poem: To have loved and then said farewell is better than to have never loved at all.
Mocha really deserved our love.. Mocha is really very strong, brave and good!
Enjoy yourself in your paradise.. lots of unlimited strawberries pellets veges that you will never go hungreee... and lots of friends..
Remember that we will never forget you..
i will remember your wheeking.. remember the way u nibble me.. :'( :'( :'(
Loving you always!!!
Unknown "JeaNiE" Playful
- 17 years, 19 days ago