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Melissa Cain | - Free online hangout and friends
CATHERINE YOUNG owns this human at 170000 points.

How do I get you alone??

Melissa Cain
"BikEr ChIcK"

Melissa Cain, 49/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:30 PM
Join date:17 years, 26 days ago
Location: Pasadena, TX United States

"Love me, pet me, play with me! I will play back!!"
About me:
I am single but taken. I love to play and to be played with. My goal in life is to have as much fun as possible and to be well liked. If you wanna know anything else just ask or look at my facebook profile. I am an open book. Read me! lol retro layout powered by / MyHotComments
About you:
I love to meet new people! So pet me, thumb me or play with me I will return the favor. I love getting tons of attention! And the petting can be fun! ;-) I also wanna meet Johnny Depp!
Buy Handmade
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Sexy Riderz, Sexified Bunch
Herds: Sex Kittens, VIP - Very Important Pets, spank me, *Bi and Lesbian Girls*, HPs Most Wanted, SEXY VIXENS, NAUGHTY PETS ;), HUNNY BUNNY THUMBING, Funky Beats n Breaks, From the Soul ,deep deep down., LEGION, TATTOOD WOLF HERD, Have You, Damien's Laboratory, SPAMALINAS' SPACE, Peacepole People Pets, Lets Talk Dirty, "D" Herd, Moe The Flirt Heard, Gauntlet Of Thumbage, >>>YOU'RE NEXT<<<, Pixie's 50 Thumb Carnival, new kids on the block fan club!, Biker Babes Unite!, girls night in, On yer bike!, THUMBING BY THE HOUR, Texas Forsaken Bikers, MR HP 2008!, Naughty Bi/Lesbian gifts!, SWEET PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!!!
50554 pts
Melissa's tales
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Melissa Cain
I am me, so get over it if you can't accept that. I fall in love easy and hard, but when my heart gets broken I bounce back like a rubberband 'cause life goes on. I can't sit around waiting for you to call or decide you want me in your life (as a friend or otherwise). I am ok with that. I don't need you. All I need is to be happy and for the most part I am happy, and hot to boot, so boo to you its your loss for not wanting some one like me in your life! OK, WOW! That feels so much better.
Melissa Cain "BikEr ChIcK" How do I get you alone?? - 16 years, 4 days ago
Melissa Cain
Visit my ebay store!!! Pweeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeee!!!! LoL, doncha just love the name.
Melissa Cain "BikEr ChIcK" How do I get you alone?? - 16 years, 5 days ago
Melissa Cain
Melissa Cain "BikEr ChIcK" How do I get you alone?? - 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Melissa Cain
I am just promoting my business. I signed up on a few sites and if you would check them out or if your signed up on them add me as a friend, I would be forever greatful. Thank you and here are the site addresses:,, and don't forget about my shop at If there are any other sites I should sign up on just let me know. Thank you once again... MUAH!
Melissa Cain "BikEr ChIcK" How do I get you alone?? - 16 years, 4 months, 7 days ago
Melissa Cain
I am back!!! To those of you wondering WTF happened to me, My area of the world was hit by a hurricane and wiped put a lotta peoples houses and stuff! It knocked out my electricity, cable and internet access as well as my cell phone, but I am luckier than most. I still have my house, my health and my motorcycle! Hurricane Ike is a big Bully! lol.. I am wishing and hoping all those that lost everything will soon pick up their lives again and will most likely donate my time and money to help those unfortunate people out. Thanks for your understanding. I hope to see you all soon... HUgggs!
Melissa Cain "BikEr ChIcK" How do I get you alone?? - 16 years, 5 months, 15 days ago
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Morris Varney
Hi Melissa!
Peeking In On You :)) You have been given Peeking In On You :)) .
Crafted by Denise Rose
Morris Varney "★One of a Kind" Massaged - 14 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
Hey Mel....racking up your dare they steal you away...sorry I have been lax of late....facebooking more than anything theses days.
Giving you sparkles! You have been given Giving you sparkles!.
Crafted by Stormy
CATHERINE YOUNG "~Spamalina~" Purring - 15 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
valen sor
welcome chiquita
valen sor Ferocious - 15 years, 7 months, 12 days ago

Showing some love You have been given Showing some love.
Crafted by Unknown
Ivanna "Princesa" Adventurous - 15 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
Hey there Mel.....I know it's been a long time. I have had a hetic couple of months, years whatever. 2008 was a total write off, lots of family members passed away including my dad and my two grandmothers. Plus that and I am now a woman of leisure; that's right I am unemployed was laid off as of 06/04/09, the call center where I worked locked us out. Go figure.
Group Hugs to All You have been given Group Hugs to All .
CATHERINE YOUNG "~Spamalina~" Purring - 15 years, 8 months, 23 days ago

Ever have one of those days? You have been given Ever have one of those days?.
Crafted by Edith Bickell
CATHERINE YOUNG "~Spamalina~" Purring - 15 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
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Melissa's shop
Bunny's Treasures

Show your pet/owner just how you feel! All kinds of treasures for all kinds of pets/owners! Items change daily. Buy your favorites and let me know which ones to keep or which ones to replace! Happy Treasure Hunting!


Welcome - Glitter Graphics

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Fantasy - Glitter Graphics

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Just a Little Hint.... ;-)
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Can I get some Attention Please!
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By your side always...
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I touch myself...
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Have a Wicked Weekend!
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