It's been a while since I've had a tail.....I mean tale.
Phew.....glad I haven't lost my sense of humour. I'm sure we've all been there......where things don't seem so funny any more. Yet I smile through it all because that's what I'm suppose to do.......but what I'd really like to do is smack someone up-side the head.
I allowed myself to be made a fool of yet again. One would think that I would learn......but no.....I always seem to be the proverbial fool. When you go into a situation knowing that you are going to get used......and it can you be surprised you say? Trust me.....I've asked myself the same question and I guess that's why I'm still banging my head against the wall
I guess my question to myself is.....when am I going to stop setting myself up to be used? Let's hope this time around it sank in and will learn from all my previous mistakes.....and boy have there been many. I'm just venting here because I know no one is going to read this anyways
I wear this steel cage around my delicate heart for now. Perhaps in time I will be able to remove it and trust myself again.....because in the troubled mixed up world we live in......I know I am the only one I can trust.....the only one I need to trust. All day long we teach people how to treat us and my first lesson of the day is to learn how to treat myself......and that is with respect.....with kindness......and with the most sincere love possible.
If for some reason you do happen to stumble across these ramblings I want you to promise me that you will never allow anyone to treat you with disrespect. It crushes your heart and you don't deserve that. You deserve someone who will take the time to get to know you and treat you like the precious being you are. At the same time....don't crush someone else's heart because they don't deserve that either.
Smile on the outside so that your inside can learn to smile too.....that's the begining.
Unknown "*My Pet*" Playful
- 17 years, 18 days ago