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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown, 33/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:14 AM
Join date:17 years, 1 day ago
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada

"This Could Be Your Biggest Mistake Ever."
About me:
I'm gay.
I love yoga.
About you:
Anyone really,
preferrably someone who
will LOVE me for me,
and not just want me
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Gay
Herds (lead): SEXCELLENT

27455 pts
10000 pts
5020 pts

350 pts
Unknown's tales
How to solve an awful day? Clear your calendar. Postpone all social engagements, take time out for yourself & do one (or all) of the following…

Go to Lush & pick yourself up a little treat.

Construct a fort or wigpee & hide in there for a while with your favourite book.

Listen to your favourite songs, but don’t be tempted to mope the day away with Elliott Smith, even if he is your favourite ever musician! Keep it upbeat.

Escape. Go to the beach or lake, take a walk in a nearby forest, play on the swings in a park, stroll through a mall, go to a cafe & order something strange from the menu. Or go & see someone who you know will be supportive & awesome to you.

Utilise the power of the internet! It’s not all procrastination & research, you know! Go to Youtube & type in random combinations of words. Watch odd Japanese cartoons, people lip-syncing in their bedrooms & uncomfortably intimate video diaries. See girls pole-dance in their garages, circus freaks & interviews with your idols.

Go to a florist’s shop or garden centre. Sniff everything. Buy yourself a little something & put it beside your bed & give it a name.

Buy some 5-HTP & pop a couple.

Just go for a walk. Sometimes, immersing myself in crowds of people is the only way to get me out of my own head.

Go to the library or bookstore & read anything by Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra or Francesca Lia Block!

Get a manicure, a pedicure, a massage, a facial, reflexology or reiki. Lie back & bliss out.

Start planning a vacation, an art project, a new haircut, a huge party, a cake recipe or the best smoothie ever.

Sneak into a hotel & use their pool.

Look at these puppies & kittens through a fish-eye lens. SO CUTE it hurts. Usually I am not one of those pet photo people, but these photos make me squee every time.

Dress up like a spy & take photobooth pictures.

Make a huge batch of cupcakes, gingerbread or fudge. Scoff.

Rip up your old magazines & use your favourite pictures to make your 2008 planner more interesting.


Buy a really good bar of chocolate. Go to a specialist chocolate shop if you can manage it, but if not, just buy your absolute favourite from the supermarket. Squirrel it away in your room. Put on some good soft music. Lie down with your eyes closed & eat it slowly. Then have a nap with lots of pillows & blankets up around your ears.

Buy a crystal that you really like, & carry it around with you.

Write letters & seal them with kisses.

Make a pot of tea & drink it while you look out the window.

Read Overheard In New York & laugh mercilessly.

Put on a kimono & run up & down the street.

Go skinny-dipping at midnight.

Take your best friend to a greasy diner, pump the jukebox full of change & dance in your booth.

Drink a whole lot of espresso & sit in front of your typewriter & wait for inspiration/caffeine to strike.

Eat an avocado with rock salt.

Have a good shower & while you’re in there, rant. Have a big rave about everything that happened that made your day so awful. While you do it, tap the side of your hand, near your little finger, if you dare! (Drink water.)

Cut out pictures of Where’s Wally & paste them up in public (but slightly hidden) places.

Buy new stationery.

Photocopy pictures of the most inspiring people you can think of, & stick them everywhere. In the bathroom, above your bed, near your computer, on the front door.

Read or watch Tank Girl.

Buy cute underwear & then parade it around your house.

Go to an aquarium.

Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for.

Design yourself a business card to use ten years from now.

Get some exercise — fun exercise. Put on your favourite Bollywood movie & dance around your living ro
Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 7 months, 13 days ago
Living as a cause for concern.
I've been so wrapped up in LITERALLY everything
that my brain is slowly being fried into a mass of intolerance.
I'm loosing it. Having the most important person in my life being 4,000 or so miles away
is kind of hard to deal with.
I long for the day when we'll meet.

Furthermore, I hate a lot of people right now.
it's not my fault that you can't deal with your jealousy
but I remind you, I've nothing to be jealous of.
Stop hating me,
stop conspiring against me
and stop controlling me.

Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
I remember why I've never dated younger before, and never even considered it to begin with.
anyone who's younger than me always will have the mentality as such
and because I know this, I'm certainly never dating younger
boys are so dumb, I need a MAN who can deal with and take care of me
someone who's considerate of my feelings
and who is kind.
someone GENUINE
but then again, there are only a few who I've met that are like that.

Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 7 months, 21 days ago
like today,I was walking by some random group of ugly dumb jocks, and they were all like "faggot"
and I kept walking. and then this one kid was walking in my direction, and like checked me into a wall. and I didn't even expect it, so I didn't turn around and throw my bio textbook at the back of his head. which I will do next time

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it doesn't make you seem like a bigger person.
you're weak because I'm comfortable with my sexuality
and you enjoy staring at me too much.
Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 7 months, 25 days ago

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I love you too so don't be sad little brother!!!!!!!! *hugs so much the world explodes*
Unknown "Special" Injured - 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago

You have been celebrated the New Years with.
Unknown "Special" Injured - 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago

You have been celebrated the New Years with.
Unknown "Special" Injured - 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
Unknown an your boy are soo cutee
Unknown "Blytheon" Inspired - 16 years, 9 months, 9 days ago
your really cutee ! =)
Unknown "CHEEMSER" Emo - 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
question out of blue!
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Why did you become gay?
Unknown "Sparkly" Sparkling - 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
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