I spent most of my time with a shovel and a pickax ripping out what was left to be removed from the soon to be deck area of my friends backyard.
After carting off loads of clay and coal (hey, does this make me a coal-miner *grin*) I noticed a decidedly manly aroma eminating from my body.
My reaction? "Hrmf, it's too hot *pulls off shirt* So got those boards cut? Where you want'em nailed?" *gets hammer and continues to work*
For those of you who love me just the way I am, this image will bring you joy:
Me in my daisy dukes, a (poorly chosen considering the work and color) white bra, and my work boots.
Me in this get-up swinging a pickax and breaking up big rocks.
Me in this get-up tossing shovels-full of earth into the wheelbarel.
Me in this get-up dumping water on myself to cool off and going back to work.
Me on break, with the addition of my peach spag-strap top dancing through the woods near a mountain spring/stream.
Me back at work (sans spag-strap top) giving new meaning to 'tree hugger' as I literally hugged two 2x4's as my friend nailed them into place.
I also noticed that in the daisy dukes, spag-strap top, and work boots, I look very much like "construction girl". You know the construction worker woman, when some TV exec. or advertiser decides they need the 'sexy construction worker female'.
Unknown "Zylo's" Purring
- 17 years, 18 days ago