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Unknown, 40/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:14 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 16 days ago
Location: City? What city? Where's the ci United States

About me:
My favorite foods are SUSHI, miso soup and Chocolate covered espresso beans.
There aren't many times I'm not seen reading something. If there's nothing else around, I'll read a cereal box or a shampoo bottle.
Knowledge is very important to me. What's the point if I'm not learning?
I love to read books, learn new songs, walk in the woods, and wish on stars.
I also love to ride my bike.
Oh yeah and I'm really an amazon-nympho from Venus. Gotta love the silver bikini and go-go boots.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds: Sex Kittens, Nerds are Sexy, I ♡ Human Pets, ~Ink & Steel~, I <3 Kitty's, MASTER / MISTRESS / slave / sub
"Sexy Man"
210 pts
60 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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I bought a new bunny litter a while ago and saw a tip that you can actually flush it instead of putting it in a landfill.
Today I decided to try flushing....One handful, then flush. Well that worked. Two handfuls, then flush. That worked too, cool. Two handfuls and flush, this is going good I've got a rhythm now. Toss in two handfuls again and flush.......
My bathroom became a moat. The tub apparently wanted to be a castle and hired lots of little floating bunny poops to be dangerous creatures ready to attack.

It gets better just wait............

We don't have a plunger, ours broke a while ago and it wasn't a priority to buy a new one.

Now I'm pulling up the innards of the toilet to flush it and pushing them back down again just in time to stop the overflow.......
wait.....wait......wait......pull again...push down
repeat until the toilet stops slowly draining and starts to flush properly once more..................
Unknown "Zylo's" Purring - 17 years, 18 days ago
I spent most of my time with a shovel and a pickax ripping out what was left to be removed from the soon to be deck area of my friends backyard.
After carting off loads of clay and coal (hey, does this make me a coal-miner *grin*) I noticed a decidedly manly aroma eminating from my body.
My reaction? "Hrmf, it's too hot *pulls off shirt* So got those boards cut? Where you want'em nailed?" *gets hammer and continues to work*

For those of you who love me just the way I am, this image will bring you joy:
Me in my daisy dukes, a (poorly chosen considering the work and color) white bra, and my work boots.
Me in this get-up swinging a pickax and breaking up big rocks.
Me in this get-up tossing shovels-full of earth into the wheelbarel.
Me in this get-up dumping water on myself to cool off and going back to work.
Me on break, with the addition of my peach spag-strap top dancing through the woods near a mountain spring/stream.
Me back at work (sans spag-strap top) giving new meaning to 'tree hugger' as I literally hugged two 2x4's as my friend nailed them into place.

I also noticed that in the daisy dukes, spag-strap top, and work boots, I look very much like "construction girl". You know the construction worker woman, when some TV exec. or advertiser decides they need the 'sexy construction worker female'.
Unknown "Zylo's" Purring - 17 years, 18 days ago
I had a woman call yesterday who makes 40,000 a month after taxes. 40 freaking thousand and she wanted a 10k loan to go shopping. I finish the loan application and she asks me when she'll get the money, can I have it wired into her account now because she wants to go shopping with her friends. Noooo I can't she'll have to wait 10 days and she'll get a letter letting her know if she is approved. Her response...
Can't you make it come tomorrow? That's when I plan on shopping.

Unknown "Zylo's" Purring - 17 years, 18 days ago
I have been far too long without a good hardcore sexually stimulated OhhhoohOOHHhoohh.

See this is where being a monogamous romantically inclined nympho just causes way too many problems.
You've got to be emotionally connected to the person to really want to have sex. You need to be with just that one person. The sex inevitably will get same old same old eventually, just because you both know what the other ones buttons are and tend to go for them automatically. Not to mention, who the hell is going to keep up with my requests and not feel like their purpose in my life is physically based, or they're inadequate?
I know what I'm talking about here, the pattern has been repeating for twelve years now.
OH MY GOD, I've been having sex for twelve years *faints*

So, I know that I've got to get rid of one or two of those identifiers but lets see...
Poly-sexual - too many risks for disease
- not enough time in my life for one boyfriend, how would I handle multiple guys

No romance/ - what's the point if you don't get that connection going.
emotional ties - I couldn't even get warmed up without it

Asexual - *goes to rock in the corner until the bad bad idea goes far away*
- wait... listen for it.... that would be the sound of every guy I've been with falling on the floor at the same time laughing their asses off at the idea of me not wanting to have sex constantly
Unknown "Zylo's" Purring - 17 years, 18 days ago
Halfway through the end of my day I actually had a caller answer my questions with "duh" not the sarcastic duh everyone uses, but the "I really don't know the answer uuuummm duuuuuh" that you normally only see in cartoons.

He was instantly approved by my computer system.
Unknown "Zylo's" Purring - 17 years, 18 days ago
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Nicky King

You have been given Breakfast is served..
Crafted by Nicky King
Nicky King Feisty - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Thanks :)
Amber "~Queen~" Ninja! - 17 years, 18 days ago
was gonna thumb ya.. but well.. ya got no thumbs.
You have been given Max Headroom.
Crafted by
Unknown "Prince Dark" Seductive - 17 years, 19 days ago
urs too!!
Unknown "Goldeneyes" Playful - 17 years, 20 days ago
Thanks alot.. =)
Unknown "Goldeneyes" Playful - 17 years, 20 days ago
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