Hey everybody....just hanging at work, it's super slow today. Sippin' some Starbucks, surfing the hp's...Okay soooo, I have a long weekend all lined up for myself :) Took Friday and Saturday off...Have no idea what I'm gonna do yet, perhaps some housekeeping :)- As hard as I try the packed suitcases and hampers full aren't solving themselves. Maybe I should be a grownup? lol..and hop to it? Or should I bolt and take off somewhere. Hmmmm...what should I do???
Unknown "MyBeautifulBuffy" Thirsty
- 17 years, 18 days ago
Hey hey...It's Friday :) and I'm working. I have a much desired Saturday off this week though! Heading to Toronto tonight to see a band play. Wish me luck. I ALWAYS get lost! Damn one way streets...waaaaaaay too confusing!
Unknown "MyBeautifulBuffy" Thirsty
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Yup...it's been a while since I've been around. I needed a bit of a hp break. It sure takes away the hours, ya know?! That and my racing season has begun again. Hopefully you all caught the season opener~Daytona 500..wooo it was a great race!! Anyways, I'm glad to be back! Happy Thursday all! xo
Unknown "MyBeautifulBuffy" Thirsty
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
One more work day until my holidays...How great is that?! Taking off to the U.S on Wednesday. It's my birthday on Thurs and I'm pumped!! Should be good.
Unknown "MyBeautifulBuffy" Thirsty
- 17 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
So I took off a day in the middle of the week. How great is that?! I went for lunch with a cutie. I caught up with a great friend I haven't seen in a while and watched another movie...I sooo dig McLovin....LMAO...and beyond that I've done nothing. I love nothing, everybody should do nothing more! Back to work fri and sat though. Oh and hey! It's my birthday next week. On Thursday...oooh I love birthdays...yay :)
Unknown "MyBeautifulBuffy" Thirsty
- 17 years, 1 month, 23 days ago