"Spider Lover"Naughty
- 16 years, 10 months, 29 days ago
not bad and you thumbed you
"Missing Sue NFS"Loving
- 16 years, 11 months ago
There's a scream in my head it get's louder and louder with every breath that I take Are you sure you can't hear it? Can't you See it? It keeps telling me of the storm lying ahead will there be enough power? too keep the light on? With all these crystals around they could burst anytime by this high pitch sound it never seems to reach it's peak no matter how I anticipate But you know what? I survived it all and lived to create again and I will again Cause there's no stop in this endless machine and even this high pitch sound, turns into a soprano sometimes and then I sing, with a voice of such beauty that seems out of this world like nothing you've ever heard 'cause there's an never ending energy at it's chord and oh boy do I love my own sound, sometimes Sometimes, all the time, everyday, any day except for when I don't 'cause I can always incarsorate it all into my private hell Frenzy, illusions and endless stream of fascination and ingenius inovation and stories, and discoveries and oh, It's oh so good to be me but I'm getting all tired and worn out but please don't go back to sleep 'cause sometimes I can't get up and nothing works for a while I love you sweet eccentric mind BUT I*M ALL EXHAUSTED AND ALL WORN OUT HELP ME OUT but surely, even my misery, hold's a bittersweet spark and bittersweet and bittersweet and hey? Will I ever be free?
I work myself into a frenzy, 'cause I can't handle the void anymore I work myself into a void, 'cause I can't handle the frenzy anymore and bittersweet and bittersweet and Hey? Will I ever be free
"greater bear"Sad
- 16 years, 11 months ago
There's a tiger in that house don't tell me you didn't see the light go off keep screaming in my ear even if you told me there's blood all over I won't believe you 'cause there's no healing process running through these vains and I am telling you there's a tiger in that house so don't enter the room
I knit a sweater for winter but the yarn wont ever do what I say knots that doesn't feel like breaking open and I can't let you break with every knot the layer thickens wherever did you go? puttin a restraining jacket on I'm telling you There's a tiger in that house and he won't be trapped for long
Oh girl, you'd better be careful 'cause I won't be trapped for long and when I break, I break thoroughly, don't let down your guard 'cause your needles can't sow it back on and you would never be whole again
"greater bear"Sad
- 16 years, 11 months ago
Steal the words Make them yours in a way To explain How I react upon your presence Well, it overwhelms me Time and again I can’t help but to be Naked before you
So I steal the words Trying to blend them together To somehow explain How badly I want you around
I feel alive Within your presence Complete the circle To make it all worth living somehow Pleasing all my senses Because I really want to be Naked before you
"greater bear"Sad
- 16 years, 11 months ago