MAR 15th. I used the knife again... I know i shouldn't but i wanted to go back and see my friends in my own world- I did miss them so much since we were separated when those kids attacked us near the Tower. It was like they were possessed by ghost creatures that chased those riders near the stream yesterday... We ran into that building and i fell and had to run through the nearest door... and there were arrows and more arrows... and my friends were nowhere to be found. So I used the knife to cut another doorway away from that place. I should have concentrated better, but I was scarred. Through it I climbed and sealed it behind me. I was tired so a sat down and looked around me to see where I was... trees, a stream, a brick low wall, a funny little house and... no it can't be? There standing before me was a rabbit finely dressed as for Sunday church surrounded by piles of brightly colored eggs... Easter Eggs! He was yelling something. I could hardly mistaken the words, "Join our Easter Egg Hunt!"... "Join the fun and find the Eggs!"...
Unknown Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
MAR 2nd. I found it! It was in a tall tower in a mostly deserted city by the ocean... I had crawled through this window like thing and found myself out of my forest world and into a world I know little about. But there it was in this tower... I had to fight for it of course- which I didn't really want to do, but it was almost like it was calling for me... a knife... a very Subtle Knife- at least that's what i call it. And there were treasures too. I gathered what I could and used the knife to get back to my dear forest. But while I was in town I decided to open a shop. The people there need things it seems. I will call my shop: "Pantalaimon's Magical "Dust" Shop"... that's a good name I'm sure.
Unknown Frisky
- 17 years, 5 days ago
FEB 18th. Today I realized that I was alive. I looked around and there was nothing but the still sounds of my forest world. I had no name that I could recall, nor memories to taunt my mind... I was alone in the wild... waiting for events to unfold that would sweep me away and give purpose to my being. I was waiting for her and yet I knew not who she was or when she would find me. I only knew that she would find me... here... in the vastness of my new forest world.
Unknown Frisky
- 17 years, 18 days ago