A story of love...13years ago!
we went for boarding school, get together and being happy together.
shiet...i was only 15 that time. she was bit older...
good times end..
we parted. but, it seems life didn't go accordingly all these years.
no sign of tracing each other again as being separated by sea, mountains, countries, cities, houses, schools, circle of friends and many more.
time flies...both have 'mark' in their heart
time flies...both go on their own way
time flies...both gone through ups n downs in relationship
time flies...both got married and have kids
time flies...both gone through 13 years of time.
14th February 2008, forwarded mails to many people
goes across the globe
FINALLY, it reached and connect us
Oh My GOD....we were connected through emails, Yahoo Messenger and mobile phone.
GOSH...13years of separation
plenty to catch up
plenty to find out
plenty to know
plenty to bring up
plenty to talk about
it's just plenty...
best gift ever for Valentine's
keep in heart...
memory remains...
'Diary of Asz' is alive......after being dead for 13 years
not a bad '13'
but a lovely, interesting, amazing, bla bla bla.....'13'
Unknown "The Ash" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month ago